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Everything posted by sweetbaboo

  1. just got around to seeing it...was too long but felt like they pushed the movie around too fast...scorcese spent way too much movie time developing the characters rather than allow the characters to develop themselves through the plot...some scenes were so long that they were almost unbearable otherwise, movie was done well, the actors did a great job and they didn't screw up the film 2 gripes 1. they got rid of the morse code scene during the microprocessor transaction. morse code to tip someone off is far cooler than teen text msg'ing. 2. the sex scene between leo and the psychiatrist was unnecessary they're remaking the korean movie "my sassy girl" also. fans of the original movie are extremely concerned that they're going to forcefully inject sex into a movie about a relationship that doesn't need any.
  2. i also picked up henry and started him this week...benched edge james for him i'm still patting myself on the back
  3. try Chopsticks...near MCC/Rustic Village small hole in the wall restaurant. when you go in, you'll see the place loaded with chinese grad students so you know the place is good and authentic. they have take out
  4. well...guess it's good i didn't bother shelling out for beer at a local sports bar to watch this stevestojan
  5. it's 60 outside right now in NH
  6. Father. He didnt jump. The maid did it. also I want to taste Kate's strawberries.
  7. met some hot girls there as an undergrad i think they still have female only dorms though...so if you want to shack up with one overnight, get a motel or bring her back to your own room wait...did you want to know about their academics?
  8. yay NH! Live Free or Die!
  9. i wanted to hurl either myself or the dvd of the grudge out of the window after watching it...holy stevestojan...what a waste of time
  10. hey! let's not knock moorman...he's probably the most talented player on this squad
  11. remaking a movie almost scene for scene that's less than 5 years old does not equal classic scorcese but it's good of him not to screw it up like the directors that remade the grudge, the ring, and dark water
  12. how dare you!?!?! I wish he was my dad
  13. well, it had better be good...the original, which isn't even 5 years old, was an instant classic Infernal Affairs out of ideas? let's copy foreign flicks and shoot for an Oscar!
  14. The coolest sports tattoo I've ever seen is one of the Olympic rings. To get that however, you'd have to have qualified for an Olympic team...otherwise, you'd just look like a stupid poser.
  15. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 787962[/snapback] I laughed the first time I read his post...then lost some of the water I was drinking after reading yours. Since moving to NH, I've ran into alot of displaced WNY'ers...it's very strange actually, how many there are. One example, I went CL to buy a set of barely used tires. When I went to pick them up, I noticed a "Buffalo" sticker on the guy's car. It turns out he's from Williamsville and his wife is from Cheektowaga. His reason for leaving? Job market was too tough. One guy I work with is from Lackawanna...left because of the quality of life. Even the guy that delivered my fridge from Best Buy on saturday was from Buffalo. (there are more examples, but not worth noting...unless you're a granite state bills backer...i found out through that site that my best friend from middle school in williamsville and his little brother both moved up to NH...watched the Bills-Jets game together at a bar in Manchester...the wings are terrible! breaded and baked and i'm not sure what the deal is with the sauce...)
  16. i got my phd in chemical engineering and couldn't find a job in rochester...draw your own conclusions
  17. I got no complaints about the kid. I really hope people give him a chance to succeed since he was cheated by the previous staff. I know I'm going to get really sick of hearing dick new englanders an Bills fans in the area that don't know their football saying "Lose-man" like they're some sort of geniuses.
  18. Thanks Dave I may be back in Rochester sometime this year as my company does business with Kodak and J&J OCD. Maybe I'll see you then. Thanks!
  19. WNY should be a great place for the biomedical sciences since the center for excellence is going to get huge thanks to Bruce Holm...too bad the market isn't good for anything else
  20. so...what do we win? can we get a free championship?
  21. actually, i'm gainfully employed in NH if i didn't look out of state and continued to hope for a job in NYS, then yeah, i would have had to register unemployedguy differences here...i don't get the feeling the government is out to screw me also, no state income tax, no sales tax, lower property taxes than NYS, low poverty...gas prices are 40 cents lower here somehow (87 is $2.30) graduate studies (tuition+living expenses) in science/engineering are generally paid for by the school or federal grants
  22. Volek is a moron. We offered him a shot and he turned it down. Suck it Billy!
  23. do they sell t-shirts at nick's?
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