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Everything posted by sweetbaboo

  1. nasty nate wants his cocktail fruit!
  2. i actually have not seen any in mass, vermont or new hampshire, but if you drive across the state border into maine, there are tim horton's all over
  3. sammy morris for the pro bowl!
  4. he likes to take some time off every game when's the last time he played a complete game without giving us a scare
  5. these announcers are terrible
  6. working for me
  7. sammy morris is their RB and we can't stop him?
  8. where and how does kenny manage to get cleaned up before the game? i've got pics of him drowned in mustard and ketchup...i think i remember seeing him covered with popcorn once also
  9. so does marv need to call willis out every week?
  10. after being examined once by a female doctor "down there", i gotta say i'm alot more comfortable with a female handling my twigs and berries rather than a man. and yeah, wood isn't an issue, regardless of how hot the woman is
  11. we can get zweigles brats up here in new hampshire...i was surprised to shaw's carrying it
  12. When are you going to come around with proper use of "you're" vs "your?"
  13. DON'T NEED YA! Let's go Buffalo!
  14. how the hell is this a 9 page thread? if a cop tells you to do something, you comply without a fight it's not like they asked him to strip naked and get on top of a pyramid
  15. I get the feeling that when Willis comes back, he'll come back with a fire to displace A-Train...similar to the fire he had when he was trying to displace Henry
  16. why not? bunch of prima donnas
  17. holy crap evans is fast
  18. i know you're a business major and all but seriously, do you ever spend any time off the board? everytime i sign on I see you arguing with someone on the board
  19. well, in the last olympics, a chinese dude beat out a bunch of black guys in the 200 meter hurdles the only time i remember seeing a black swimmer in the olympics is the time one came out of one of the african countries. he got a standing ovation for finally finishing...laps behind everyone else.
  20. stevestojan...i don't smoke, but this is absolute crap...hopefully the police officers don't enforce this Live Free or Die eh?
  21. what's weirder is that the easter bunny robbed me last Christmas while Santa just stood around chuckling through my screams for help stay away from those chocolate eggs
  22. from the video, it sounds like the kid deserved it if a cop asks you to leave and puts his hands on you, you don't start yelling "get your hands off me!" and "there's your patriot act after they first tased him and asked him to leave, it looks like he's trying to be a dead weight in their arms while still trying to be a smartass by asking for their badge #'s...don't worry, when they throw your ass in a holding cell, the officers will file a report college students are morons...they all think they are sooo smart...i should know...i used to be one
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