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Posts posted by sweetbaboo

  1. It was a joke fcg, calm down.

    I'm always calm.

    All you have to do is follow three simple rules. One, never underestimate your opponent. Expect the unexpected. Two, take it outside. Never start anything inside the bar unless it's absolutely necessary. And three, be nice.

  2. You have to get the HD though, I just bought a 61" Samsung DLP on Friday and playing games in 1080i is pretty badass.

    360 only does 1080i?


    unless they crack the 360 and come out with an xbox media center 360 (like xbmc for the original xbox), I'll wait for the PS3


    and by wait, i mean wait until that ridiculous price tag drops to roughly 300 (which is still an exorbinant amount for a gaming system)

  3. You know it is funny, as the game went on I started to actually root for the patriots. There is something you have to respect about Brady, he just kept getting up & fighting. I still hate NE but Im actually glad they won.


    The Chargers act got old on me this year. They have acted all season like they are the next dynasty, but they have not won a dam thing yet. I said all along that Marty Ball is going to cost them in the end. They were cocky when they came here, had nothing nice to say about the bills, who actually should of beat them if it wasnt for the refs. If Merriroid wants to show up his opponent every time he gets a sack, expect a little of it back when you loose & basically are a non factor the whole game. I dont like Merrimen, I dont like AJ Smith, I dont like that idiot Shittenheimer & I dont like Rivers. Win something first, then you could start acting cocky. LT is a class act, just frustrated. He is still the best player in the league hands down.

    same thing went through my head as the game progressed


    I don't want to see Manning win the next game either. I want to see him pick up Marty's rep.

  4. I agree it's a stupid dance. But LT is just being a leader and leaders stick up for their team. LT's the man and I would sacrifice a chicken to have him on the Bills. :thumbdown:

    that's all you'd give up?

    i'd take LT as well, but it looked foolish to try and defend merriman's ugly spasms

  5. If it wasn't raining here in the Albany area, I might consider a round of golf. I like it.


    Hey, maybe the warm weather will help prevent the flight of young adults from New York State in general.


    right...even though there are no jobs, young people won't leave because it's warm enough to be a bum here during the winter

  6. Aye, but there's a reason why we don't have the technology. I have to think if we had made it a priority during these last two terms to find alternative energy sources we'd be in better position now to become marginally less dependent on oil. There's no way to know for sure, but I don't agree with the lack of emphasis we've put into alternative energy and the environment. Instead of stopping the gays from marrying and worrying about spying on our own citizens, we should be trying to make oil obsolete. Just a humble opinion.

    You don't think there have been people working on it? Scientific research and progress is slow. More emphasis isn't going to speed anything up. Throwing more money at the problem isn't going to speed things up. Do you think there's enough emphasis on curing cancer? We could throw the entire world budget at finding a solution to cancer and you wouldn't have a solution for a decade.

    Political rhetoric about "more emphasis" is nothing but bullstevestojan.

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