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Everything posted by sweetbaboo

  1. why stream and tie up bandwidth when there's already a huge hard drive on the xbox?
  2. 360 only does 1080i? unless they crack the 360 and come out with an xbox media center 360 (like xbmc for the original xbox), I'll wait for the PS3 and by wait, i mean wait until that ridiculous price tag drops to roughly 300 (which is still an exorbinant amount for a gaming system)
  3. I'd like to put my garage and tool shed on a feel good Katrina story, courtesy of the NFL.
  4. I just remembered a fitting line from Anchorman: "You stay classy, San Diego" oh well, it amused me
  5. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news;_ylt=AvC_...p&type=lgns Hey, one can hope...
  6. same thing went through my head as the game progressed I don't want to see Manning win the next game either. I want to see him pick up Marty's rep.
  7. that's all you'd give up? i'd take LT as well, but it looked foolish to try and defend merriman's ugly spasms
  8. and his drunk canadian ex-kicker
  9. NO has a pretty good shot of getting the NFL to pull the "We're all Katrina-ians" and hand NO the victory through Patriot type calls If NO plays NE, the refs may self combust on the field
  10. the Pats doing that doesn't bother me for some reason...probably because the dance is so incredibly retarded looking to begin with
  11. this i would like to see
  12. the eagles need to fire their conditioning coach they always look completely beat (offense and defense) in the 4th quarter
  13. right...even though there are no jobs, young people won't leave because it's warm enough to be a bum here during the winter
  14. and our fans did it when the team stunk! and someone got tarred and feathered with ketchup/mustard and popcorn
  15. it's below 10 finally in NE tonight...but the temps will warm up again this weekend still no snow
  16. You don't think there have been people working on it? Scientific research and progress is slow. More emphasis isn't going to speed anything up. Throwing more money at the problem isn't going to speed things up. Do you think there's enough emphasis on curing cancer? We could throw the entire world budget at finding a solution to cancer and you wouldn't have a solution for a decade. Political rhetoric about "more emphasis" is nothing but bullstevestojan.
  17. pics? i told my wife i'd get that if the bills won the super bowl she told me it'd look like a birthmark
  18. my lord...scarlett has the most amazing natural rack i've ever seen
  19. pshaw...if jim kelly took him to the sundowners, he'd sign up right away why else do you think moulds stuck around for so long? he was a regular!
  20. i've got no problem with that
  21. This man is an idiot. His pledge to go after Big Oil is either pure irony or absolute stupidity on his part considering NYS has THE highest gas taxes in the country. but nevermind that...seeing how WNY's economy is booming and jobs are sprouting out of the blue, let's get some publicity by rubbing elbows with the bigwigs in the NFL and pull the wool over the eyes of the citizens of WNY some more. Oh well, it's a democracy and you get what you vote for. Don't even get me started on that...too late. Anyone remember 10 years back when the government was looking at a "comsumption" tax to place on gas, in order force people to cut back on driving? There goal was $.50 for the government per gallon. And of course which esteemed political party was behind this idea? The Dems come out and blame Iran and Bush for high gas prices, and naturally assume that Republican big business interests are protecting oil companies. Democratic policies for the past several years have led to the increase in gas prices including No drilling in Alaska, and over-reaching environmental law that prevent new refineries from being built. But I doubt you'll see Schumer on tv saying that.
  22. no, the sarcasm button was missing on my post i don't think chuck is good for stevestojan...just like the rest of the politicians in NYS
  23. ah...nys politicians Anyone remember Schumer all over tv telling WNY'ers he is going to get down to the bottom of high oil prices, making sure the big oil companies are sticking in to the people? http://api-ep.api.org/statistics/fueltaxes...MAP_OCT2006.pdf Big oil makes ~ 9.5 cents per gallon while NYS takes 60.1 cents per gallon go get'em chuck!
  24. she looks pretty good these days i'd hit it
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