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Everything posted by sweetbaboo

  1. put it on your lap not that i've tried it or anything
  2. Indeed...however, it seems that whenever someone criticizes Willis' performance on the field, you get a lot of "It's not him, it's the o-line!" and other related excuses from McGahee homers. It's hard to argue against proof of his illegitimate children and poor decision making off the field.
  3. You're completely missing the point. If Willis dazzled us with the performance that the core of the 90's team did, we wouldn't even notice his extracurricular activities. We were too busy back in the early 90's following what went on on the field.
  4. There shouldn't be a hooters anywhere in WNY with the selection available. Their food is terrible! They can't even make a burger correctly. If I wanted to see T&A, I could just go to Lundy's Lane. The food sucks out here in NE, but I still wouldn't eat at Hooters.
  5. trucks and SUV's... i bet the Camry and Corolla are still bulletproof
  6. nothing...he was just thinking out loud that he ran out of adult diapers
  7. well, I'd like to see her naked and raunchy before she turns into judi dench
  8. holy moly but can she drive? and do we care if she can drive?
  9. ::Takes an exaggerated, gallant bow::
  10. her husband is very small down there?
  11. who cares? you think I watched Showgirls because I thought it was Oscar worthy?
  12. oh please please do the role!
  13. I can't believe it took 3 pages before someone brought it up. Willis Mcgahee wouldn't be facing any of this criticism if he stepped up his game.
  14. i thought prisoners did that kind of stuff all the time...sharpened spoons, pieces of soap, etc.
  15. I'll be impressed if he bags Jessica Biel and a video shows up on the internet
  16. everything is covered in an inch layer thick of solid ice in NH...i might have to throw sand on my driveway now since salt didn't do a thing i might try ice skating on my lawn and driveway...it's that smooth and solid
  17. that's what you like? personally, i prefer this one
  18. not all the time...but occasionally...what is all that hard drive space on the 360 for anyway?
  19. Well, she needs someone around that is good with his hands and can provide the hardwood.
  20. stevestojan, I'm not happy with Willis but Jerry Sullivan turned into Michael Moore in that piece he wrote
  21. internal FTP transfers which occur all the time because I don't have USB ports in all of my home computers (I have quite a few actually to make FTP worthwhile)
  22. WHAT? prank call vs STABBING
  23. this is why I don't read about scientific research in the popular media
  24. You probably just haven't seen the right ones. There were a ton of hot ones at UB...only drawback was that many of them had the hairiest arms I've ever seen.
  25. I'm always calm. All you have to do is follow three simple rules. One, never underestimate your opponent. Expect the unexpected. Two, take it outside. Never start anything inside the bar unless it's absolutely necessary. And three, be nice.
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