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Posts posted by sweetbaboo

  1. The taxes are high, no doubt about that, but with that being said, it kinda evens itself out inaway because the houses are affordable. I just bought a house last spring, real nice house, decent size(2,500 sq ft) nice inground pool, nice landscaping, spacious yard for a little under $200K in a nice developement in Lancaster. It is not a mansion or anything, but I would bet you would probably be pushing around $300K for a similar house in Atlanta, or Charlotte & would probably be pushing well over $500K in places like Boston & the Virginia/Mar/DC area. So I guess the high taxes even out a little bit due to the extremely affordable housing in WNY.

    actually, in Boston, a 2,500 sq ft home would cost you well over a million...in NH, prices are high as well, but not ridiculous. I bought a house in August in Concord for $300k. It's in a really nice neighborhood and is a decent sized new home (~2100 sq ft, built in 2001) surrounded by a ridiculous amount of conservation land. For a similar home in Williamsville however, I'd expect to pay no more than $200k...maybe in East Amherst, the price wouldn't seem too farfetched. Take that same $300k to Boston and you might be able to buy a one bedroom apt. I suspect prices in Virginia and the DC area are similar to Boston's.



    • Self motivated.

    • Strong interpersonal skills.

    You may want to remove those two listings. They come off looking a little silly. While a company wouldn't hire someone that's not self motivated or has strong interpersonal skills, it's not something that you need to list on your resume.


    Is the objective a no no?? Through reading career oriented sites i've read both that you should include the objective, and to omit the objective???

    I personally did not put an objective. Some people told me to put one on, some people told me to leave it off. I tried to make the best of both worlds and simply wrote, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND MATERIALS RELATED RESEARCH EXPERIENCE, and then started listing my work experience under there. I figure that's pretty much stating that I was looking for a chemical engineering or materials related job without having an objective statement.


    PM me if you'd like to see my resume. I only started my first real career job in August.

  3. Yeah, because there are no ski resorts around buffalo??? I guess I get a little sick & tired of these kind of articles. People act like Buffalo is the same as the backwoods of Alabama or something. All of my friends including myself that have stuck around Buffalo after college have pretty decent jobs, nice houses, great place to raise a family.

    Wait what? My only complaints about Buffalo are the high taxes, inept politicians and lack of jobs. I'm well aware that there is plenty to do in WNY, however without a job, I can't afford to do stevestojan. If you know of some magical company that will offer me a Chemical Engineering Ph.D. position/salary, I'll be back in a flash.


    If you want to talk about WNY skiing...it's really quite poor if you compare it to pretty much any place in NE. The elevation just isn't there. Would that bother me however if I could find work in the area? Not at all.



    BTW, you want to know why wings suck everywhere else in the country? Because morons follow recipes like this




    322 Five Star reviews


    if you don't want to click on the link, here's an ingredient in the recipe that should turn you off right away

    1/2 cup all-purpose flour


    Here's one gem of a review

    This recipe is awesome! Tastes like Hooter's wings. :thumbdown:

  4. He is unwatchable. I remember after the Bills lost to the Titans they were trying to show highlights and all you could hear was that Mr. Ed wannabe yelling "vince young" in the background. Unfortunately i do not possess the required skills that would allow me to type out the sound the words "Vince Young" make when coming out of his loud mouth. Go to hell Shannon.

    found this on KSK


    I dell do I doan lie da Cose chan do bin agin da Paydreeit. Baidin Madding duddin ab da big gabe expedien do come oud on dop in dif baddle ub hebbywaist. No, heed got dee expedien, bud he ahwaid fine way do lude big game wed it count, espeddally again Bill Belldachix an due Paydreeod.


    Doo stebbidy Coats need dow fine ron dee-fen. Dee-fen da keedo win shamships, an doe Coats nah hab do dee-fen do win do Doopa Bow. Buddiff Paydon Manning toe big padded an make dum big pwayed, day cud bee dow dooby dooby run run, dooby dooby dow dooby do run run...


    Wud wud I dayin'? Oh deah, do Coal dee-fen da lab due week id not Coe deepends prum reglah seedin, an I tink -- no, I node -- shabba lamma ding dong bip bop scooby da Paydreeod wid Tob Brady gon' come bow don dop in dis baddle ub hebbywaist contendruhs.


    Indee, I be strade wid you: yo dee-fen could'n sdop me ip you plade twelb men on da bield all drying due guard me, da gradest tide end ebber due play fooball. Da pact dat you made id dis far id a desdesdesdesdament due da distance dat da Rabens hab fallen dint I retied ad da gradest tide end dat ebber libbed.

  5. I live in Concord and work up in North Sutton. Where'd you go to school here? A friend of mine (coincidentally I grew up in Amherst swimming with both him and his brother who also moved to NH) moved here at the same time as me to be an admissions counselor at SNHU.


    The problem I have with moving down south is the lack of skiing. I like being able to drive less than an hour in any direction and be able to hit a ski resort.

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