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Everything posted by sweetbaboo

  1. I don't have a Samsung, but I was considering it against the SONY SXRD. They're about the same price. I ended up going with the Sony and have had no problems since I bought it in September '06.
  2. supposedly the wind chill here is -17F the true test is how long my beagles will stay in the backyard later after doing their business
  3. actually, in Boston, a 2,500 sq ft home would cost you well over a million...in NH, prices are high as well, but not ridiculous. I bought a house in August in Concord for $300k. It's in a really nice neighborhood and is a decent sized new home (~2100 sq ft, built in 2001) surrounded by a ridiculous amount of conservation land. For a similar home in Williamsville however, I'd expect to pay no more than $200k...maybe in East Amherst, the price wouldn't seem too farfetched. Take that same $300k to Boston and you might be able to buy a one bedroom apt. I suspect prices in Virginia and the DC area are similar to Boston's.
  4. I almost went with GOB1LLS but instead went with what's in my profile
  5. You may want to remove those two listings. They come off looking a little silly. While a company wouldn't hire someone that's not self motivated or has strong interpersonal skills, it's not something that you need to list on your resume. I personally did not put an objective. Some people told me to put one on, some people told me to leave it off. I tried to make the best of both worlds and simply wrote, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND MATERIALS RELATED RESEARCH EXPERIENCE, and then started listing my work experience under there. I figure that's pretty much stating that I was looking for a chemical engineering or materials related job without having an objective statement. PM me if you'd like to see my resume. I only started my first real career job in August.
  6. I'm not buying one until the price drops below $300 and if it doesn't, I just won't get one. It's hardly worth paying that kind of money to play just Madden and NHL.
  7. Wait what? My only complaints about Buffalo are the high taxes, inept politicians and lack of jobs. I'm well aware that there is plenty to do in WNY, however without a job, I can't afford to do stevestojan. If you know of some magical company that will offer me a Chemical Engineering Ph.D. position/salary, I'll be back in a flash. If you want to talk about WNY skiing...it's really quite poor if you compare it to pretty much any place in NE. The elevation just isn't there. Would that bother me however if I could find work in the area? Not at all. BTW, you want to know why wings suck everywhere else in the country? Because morons follow recipes like this http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Restaurant-St...ngs/Detail.aspx 322 Five Star reviews if you don't want to click on the link, here's an ingredient in the recipe that should turn you off right away 1/2 cup all-purpose flour Here's one gem of a review This recipe is awesome! Tastes like Hooter's wings.
  8. i wonder if they ate it
  9. looks like something a cheerleading squad might use as a logo
  10. Woman Parking...this is just as amazing
  11. it looks like she's got both breast AND ass implants she's yugoslavian, not brazilian
  12. I'm a very bitter fan. The first team to get a major gorilla off of their back will be the Bills and no one else!
  13. the Bills need to get moved to some other city and then we need some other franchise to move in to become the new Bills ...well, it worked for the Ravens and Colts
  14. I wish I was there to see the look on Solomon Wilcox's face
  15. found this on KSK
  16. Shannon Sharpe talks like he has mothballs in his mouth
  17. Refs trying to make a game out of this. Too much advertising money is at stake.
  18. Nice. Did you have any classes with this guy? http://www.seacoastonline.com/news/0119200...h-pot.bill.html
  19. I live in Concord and work up in North Sutton. Where'd you go to school here? A friend of mine (coincidentally I grew up in Amherst swimming with both him and his brother who also moved to NH) moved here at the same time as me to be an admissions counselor at SNHU. The problem I have with moving down south is the lack of skiing. I like being able to drive less than an hour in any direction and be able to hit a ski resort.
  20. I admit, I complain all the time about food and grocery stores here in New Hampshire (always baked, never fried). They bread their wings and then bake them. I'm not even sure what sauce they use, but it sure isn't Franks. I can't wait to visit Buffalo next month, go to Wegmans to stock up on some local essentials (i.e., Sahlens), hit up Mighty, Duffs, etc. Up in NH however, I cannot complain about the smaller government, no income tax, no sales tax and a decent economy. My vote actually counts here also! Being surrounded by ski resorts helps as well.
  21. Honestly, who throws a shoe? though I seem to remember this stevestojan happening a few times when I lived there...was always interesting to watch. I think it was almost the equivalent of a fight in hockey. Get your frustrations out physically and then continue legislating...or whatever the hell goes on in there.
  22. the sky is falling
  23. what're you talking about? they played a tough game last night and won and came close to winning this one
  24. How about California starts up some legislation to free themselves from the rest of the country?
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