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Everything posted by Rockinon

  1. I'm excited. A lot of people are trying hard to temper their expectations. I keep seeing "It's a process" and something along the line of "As long as he doesn't suck" or "Just a couple of scoring drives". It's really amusing watching different people's reactions. Anyway, I think there more folks, underneath the outward low expectations, are inwardly quietly hoping Josh lights it up today. Going to be fun watching today. How will he measure up? The answer to that won't be known until later today and the anticipation is building. Anyway, for all of you pretending to temper your expectations...I call BS.
  2. I had a fractured collar bone back in high school. Never knew it was broken until a month later when I told my parents that my shoulder was sore for a month and didn't know why the pain wasn't going away. I kept playing sports that whole month. It was uncomfortable but it did not keep me completely sidelined. I remember the doctor telling me how lucky I was. Said, if it hadn't healed up good on it's own he would have had to re-break the bone to reset it properly. Said it is likely that it was just a hairline fracture, so got lucky. If it's just a fracture, he could be back fairly quickly. Still if it's his throwing side the pain can be pretty sharp. Otherwise, you hardly even notice any pain at all. Takes about a month. I had a lump of bone growing around the fracture that actually probably made the bone stronger. Curious how bad of a fracture it is. I assume that mine was pretty small though. Won't ever know because I didn't see a doctor until a month after it happened. The pain will take a bit longer to subside.
  3. I personally think the Bills will go with whoever wins the job. I know Josh Allen is taking 3rd string reps to start but it is not so far fetched for him to flat out win the competition in the end. He will need to prove himself of course, but it's all ready clear that he is physically more gifted than the other two QBs on this team. The overall favorite right now is AJ but I think the rookie pulls ahead as training camp and preseason progresses. Nothing wrong with that and maybe the coach is going to make him fight an up hill battle to earn it. I believe it's just a matter of when not if. This is going to be fun to watch. I like seeing the young guns winning the right to be considered 1st string and Josh has the talent. All he needs is a good teacher and a will to get there. AJ could start the season but I'm thinking the rookie is just too talented to not start.
  4. I think the Bills brass did a nice job bringing in 2 QBs that have great potential. One is clearly physically gifted. The other definitely knows how to win though not as gifted physically. There is a good chance that both of these guys can compete at a high level in the NFL.
  5. He was the key for that K-gun offense. Always on the same page with Kelly. Did almost everything well....don't think he was that great at blocking until later in his career(Even then not great). That fast paced offense combined with Thurman's ability to run or catch really kept defenses on their heels. Definitely had a chip on his shoulder and never seemed to get tired. Wore entire defenses out by the beginning of the second half.
  6. There's still a lot of people kickin' around from that bygone era and I guess you could say I am one of them. To simply write it off like this is an over simplification and also a very one sided point of view. No offense, but the women who grew up trying to make the cheerleader squads in high school and collage probably don't view it this way at all. To be given an opportunity to do it at NFL games is an honor. Simply eliminating something because you don't agree with it is just wrong. Not everyone feels the same way. This is the very same garbage we see in our modern political system. I can absolutely understand that some don't like the idea of bringing back the cheerleaders but there many who do not feel that way. The question then becomes are you willing to upset your neighbor simply because you don't want to see them on the field? People today seem all too willing to step on their neighbor's toes to get what they want. That bygone era seems a little more appealing to me. Damn, I am getting old.
  7. I don't know. This seems like a narrow minded point of view. I grew up with cheer leaders in sports. In fact cheer leading, in many ways is a sport too. The women who do it are very competitive and to simply look at it as "half naked women" is kind of a stereotypical point of view. To me, I think the overall assumption that the women who do this are somehow less than professional is biased and maybe a bit too political for my taste. I'd like them come back and be out there cheering for our team. Too many fuddy dudies around trying to knock something just because they think that these women are somehow ruining the world view of what a woman should be. It's really a shame. As for the original court filings that lead up to dis-banning the squad I really don't have an opinion because I don't know what actually happened. As far as I'm concerned, I hope things can be worked out and they can eventually come back. I also hope that the kids playing the drums can continue too. It's entertaining and really that's all it should be about.
  8. Um, I'm pretty sure I was keeping an open mind.
  9. If AJM plays really well, teams will be falling all over themselves to trade for him. He's got a 2yr deal and Buffalo would be in a great position to trade before his contract is up. There's also a possibility they like him so much that they want to keep him. In all likelihood, though, he will be nothing more than a competent backup. But who knows right now.
  10. He is a bit raw but LBs have been saying that McDermott's D is very LB friendly. The defense is designed to put LB's in position to make plays. Going to be fun watching this kid.
  11. He turned down a 2 yr deal because he wants a 1yr prove it deal, so he can capitalize on another big contract. Could be a match made in heaven for Buffalo.
  12. Until the season actually starts, this kind of speculation is nothing more than a hot take. We have enough fake news to contend with as it is. Why do we keep doing this ourselves? We could end up with a rookie of the year middle LB. But until the season actually starts, no one knows. Speculate all you want. Making pronouncements though is a bit premature.
  13. Wonder how perceptions will change once preseason starts. Anything prior, as far as I am concerned, is nothing more than a hot take.
  14. AJM hasn't even begun training camp yet. What kind of crap is this?
  15. We are not going to give up future draft capital.
  16. Defense will be better than last year. Offense will depend on QB and OL play. All in all, I'm going over.
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