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Everything posted by Rockinon

  1. "Reach" is a word that is starting to make me nautious too. I look at it from a little bit different perspective keeping a couple of different things in mind The Bills now have a couple extra draft picks which gives them some added flexibilty to trade up or down with thier non-compensitory picks. Just because you have that flexibility doesn't necessarily mean that trading up or down is going to be the right move.(You have to convince another team that the trade is mutually beneficial and sometimes that doesn't work out) Get someone that is going to significantly help the team. It doesn't matter if a person is considered to be a "reach" in the over all draft if that person just what "our" team needs. Don't get too fancy trying to squeeze the most out of you draft. It could backfire. If we can make a viable trade with another team then I say go for it. If not then I think we need a good wide reciever. If that happens to be at #11 who cares that it is a friggin reach. What matters is what is best for the team. Now I could be wrong about wide reciever. Maybe it's another position. Either way, the bottom line is to find who is going to bring it when the season begins. And I mean bring it!
  2. I think another Tackle next to McCargo, a MLB and some help for Yobouty and McGee. Running back? We all ready have the best we are going to get. Maybe a backup if Anthony Thomas leaves. TE? Maybe. FB? OK, I didn't think of that. Sheldon seemed to slack off toward the end of the season. In order for this Cover 2 D to work, the interior linemen need to be able to penetrate. Most of the stops behind the line of scrimmage last year were from Defesive ends and from bringing up DBs or Linbackers. The interior linemen were weak. A great MLB would be nice. I'm worried about Takeo. Is he leaving? Is he able to produce if he stays? The more pressing need is Defense.
  3. I wonder if Marv Levy is shopping McGahee just as a tactic to draw attention away from his real goals. To beef up the defense. I see multiple positions that we need to attend to. I believe this is where the real need is. Besides all of this running back talk is starting to really me off. Who is our next acquisition on defense?
  4. I'm with you on this one. I don't get all of the McGahee bashing of late either. The bottom line is who is the best possible back for this team this year. My opinion, is that it is McGahee. Any of the backs out of college could easily flop. The ones available in free agency just don't impress me. Did anyone actually watch the games last year? McGahee was injured part of the season. The line was reshuffled after the bye week and even though it improved, they pretty much got there arses handed to them all season. Forget all of the crap in the media and the inuendos about his character. No one here has a clue if he is a high character guy or not. Based on performance, I think McGahee did pretty well and a damn sight better than Anthony Thomas. What's more, because this is the last year on his contract, he will be motivated to perform. If he attempts to hold out, we give him a couple of chicken wings and a slap on the ass. Those of us who actually watch football, know he would have broken 1000 yards had he played every game. Imagine what would happen if he had a dominant line to run behind. 1400 yards? 1600? Getting rid of him? That's just crazy talk.
  5. I believe that all of the negative talk about Willis McGahee has been blown way out of proportion. I think there are some things that he has said that he wishes he could take back. He's young. Young men are like that. As for wanting to negotiate for more money before his contract is up, I think that the Bills will rightly not go for such an okey doke move. McGahee is going to have to prove his worth on the field this year if he wants to command more money. He's going through some growing pains, but he'll do all right. Also, don't think that McGahee isn't salivating at the chance to run behind this new Offensive Line. He could very well end up with a monster year. I could be going out on a limb here, but I think he'll be one of the first players to show up in training camp this year. He isn't the lazy irresponsible picture of a man that the media has been painting. He won't be traded. As for Marv Levy, he was ridiculed for his draft pics last year and ended up making the naysayers eat tier words. He seems to do that a lot. You'd think after a while he'd garner more respect.
  6. Wow.......there's an awful lot of tension here. I can't believe I just read this whole thread. Honestly, I havn't heard much "REAL" football talk throughout. Why all the pent-up emotion? As for the title of this thread.....this is just asking for it. Just my opinion.
  7. Guys. I know that Nate is playing pro bowl football. There are a couple of guys you are forgetting about. Mcgee is pretty good and there is a third round football player picked up last year that looks to be very good as well. His name is Ashton Youboty. Before his mother died, he was busting up alot of plays and catching a few interceptions in training camp. Reports last year were that he was a steal in the third round and he will all ready have a year under his belt. There is also Jabari Greer and Kiauki Thomas. They have done pretty well when called on to play. The point is, Buffalo isn't hurting at CB. I'd rather see a stud defensive lineman along side Larry Tripplet disrupting plays in the interior. If it comes down to Nate leaving for big money, let him go. There are others who can get the job done and we can spend money in areas where there are some real weaknesses.
  8. There are a lot of sports writers and supposed gurus talking about how the odds are stacked against Buffulo this weekend. There are a lot of things in thier favor though. Coming from the west coast to the east to play is not an easy thing to do. This game is going to seem real early to SD. Plus, it'll be cold. Buffalo may have holes in thier defense at times, but they are very good at third down stops. I can't tell you how many times they have made stops at critical times. Our kickers can be real difference makers. Our special teams on returns is incredible. The offense seems to be getting better. If that trend continues, look out. The 12th man is on Buffalo's side this week. You all know how the fans are going to be this game. From all of the reports I have seen, this is not a team that is anywhere near ready to just role over. These guys think they can take SD. There is a lot of talk about how talented SD is. That doesn't mean that the Bills have no talent. You would be mistaken to think otherwise. If there was ever a game that smells like upset, this is it. The Bills could very well catch SD off balance and produce a convincing win. I have seen it before. Billieve!
  9. The look on thier face right after the stealth condom sticks it to them.
  10. I spent some time the other day at a Jets message board and was at first treated OK, but after a while the incredible ignorance was overwhelming and I had to leave. One guy kept saying that he was trying to have an intellegent conversation but refused to use any amount of logic when grading the Bills. He was probably the smartest one I spoke to. Most of the others were just plain rude, derisive and stupid. I was going to go back after ther game to talk some smack, but I just plain don't respect them enough to bother now.
  11. I think we'll see JP airing it out against a week pass rush. Not a lot though. It'll be windy today and McGahee will see a lot of action. Anyone picking the Jets over the Bills today is just plain silly....even if they are a Jets fan.
  12. right, wasn't really sure how.
  13. I stopped in to thier forum and had some fun. http://www.jetsinsider.net/forums/showthread.php?t=125671
  14. That's because you don't have any.
  15. I started a thread there and beat them down with logic. Must have been too much for them. http://www.jetsinsider.net/forums/showthre...71&page=1&pp=20
  16. This sounds a little to cynical to me. I have listened to TV on many occasions through the years and have always gotten the impression that he is a stand up guy. I've never thought that he might be trying to portray himself as anything other than.......well, himself. Just my 2 cents.
  17. I wish I had an HD TV
  18. Miami has been lauded for having strong lines. What happened there?
  19. Not everybody is inclined to not tell the truth. Marv Levy said he targeted Whitner. He picked Whitner when his turn was up and now the Bills have a football player. Sounds like the truth to me
  20. I'm afraid I have to disagree with this mishmash. Losman took every snap in this game. Sometimes, the best way to win is to simply do your job without trying to force a spectaular play. He is doing a fine job and you can't take that away from him.
  21. I hear a lot talk about how Buffalo opponents have more talent. Blah blah blah. This team just needs a little time to jell. When I read stuff like how much more talented Miami is I just about want to puke.
  22. I Don't hate the Dolphins .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................NOTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I sure do like spanking them though......HARDDDD!
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