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Everything posted by Rockinon

  1. Buffalo's offense doesn't surprise anyone as Trent runs for his life, but the defense keeps giving him more chances. 23 Buffalo 12 Seattle
  2. Talk is good. Now they have to back it up......or look stupid on game day.
  3. Mediocre my a$$. Do you even watch football?
  4. LOL.........I'd move 'em to Toronto.
  5. I keeel yoouu! LOL
  6. BTW Ramius, your research is appreciated and I happen to think that your drawn conclusions were well thought out and fairly accurate. At least as accurate as you can gleen from "statistics" anyway.
  7. What ego? He's obviously an overly uptight teenager and mommy just yelled at him and sent him to his room.
  8. Man, who cares about 2000-2005. This is 2008 and what is important now is what we intend to do with what we have now for talent.
  9. That is some serious power. Just hope this translates into a football career. I'm also a veteran and love rooting for an under dog like this. If he is anyhing like Sam Gash, he'll make overly aggressive linebackers pay with pain.
  10. Here's another interesting read: http://www.recordonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/...PORTS/708130341
  11. He may be a great to have in goal line situations.
  12. Here is some info reguarding the guy. http://www.goarmysports.com/ViewArticle.db...p;Q_SEASON=2007 http://www.nypost.com/seven/09192007/sport...eld_general.htm He was a wrestler!!! http://www.chatshoppe.com/berwickwrestling.../honor_viti.htm http://www.nfldraftscout.com/ratings/profile.php?pyid=72937 I don't know that he will make it in the NFL, but this is one very serious athlete. I have a hunch the kid is going raise a few eyebrows at the very least.
  13. Man I'm glad you didn't take that the wrong way. Personally, I thought you were just poking that guy in the ribs a little rather than trying to insult him about his spelling.........Now I'm convinced of it.
  14. Did you ever do a Geico commercial?
  15. Hardy sounds like a good guy. That video gives a glimpse of his personality and I am pretty happy with what I saw of it. He does look big too. I hope he has a great career. Man I am looking forward to watching the Bills this year. I think we could take the division this year and possibly put the Patriots where they belong......watching the play-offs from thier easy chairs and cursing the Bills for stealing thier thunder.
  16. You gatta be kidding. I gotta see this. Nope you ain't kidding
  17. 6'5" and 300+ lbs? I wonder if he can rush a passer on defense. Remember when we first got Peters and he busted right through the line and blocked a field goal? If he played basketball he would also be fast enough to play special teams. Can you imagine a freight train like that blocking for our returners?
  18. Probably just gas that one slipped out. Why the heck did you recommend EXLAX? Now he's completely out of control.
  19. Who's going to stay in and block. What the heck lets send the TE the Fullback and the Right guard out as recievers too.
  20. Bull.....The Giants lead the league in Sacks. That would make any DB look good.
  21. Wow. Statistics that actually say what I have been thinking.
  22. I'd be willing to bet that Lee Evans believes that the other recievers on this team can still step up. If I were him I'd be thinking that a good tight end would make all of the recievers look better. Tight end gives you a big target, catches the defense off guard when he slips out to catch a ball instead of staying in to block and because he is big and fast, he is a perfect addition to the special teams unit. This also stays in line with building a Dominant football team.
  23. You da man billybob
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