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Everything posted by Rockinon

  1. Well, yea. I couldn't get the web page to load fast enough to find out who it was. BTW, that was a boneheaded thing to do just before the start of camp.
  2. I wonder how far he can hit one. I used to play with a friend built like a football player and was always playing catch up because he could drive farther. Williams can probably knock one into outer-space.
  3. There are some really over the top remarks in this thread. Why can't we just stuff Bucky Brooks and Merriman into a locked room together and let them resolve this?
  4. This whole topic is about someone who wanted Tebow to be drafted by the Bills so badly that he still can't let it go. Three pages? Serious?
  5. I kind of agree with this. The offense did a really good job with the spread formations last year, but that won't last. We need to start running plays with 1 or 2 TE sets if for no other reason than to mix things up. TE, I believe is the most critical position, because he can be used as an additional blocker or as a receiver. This adds to your ability to disguise your play. Tackle appears to be more of a minor depth problem but still a problem. A good TE can also help your tackles better than say a running back. I just dont buy this Chan doesn't use TEs crap. Ridiculous. I would prioritize this way.... TE backup QB OL SS if Whitner is gone.
  6. This just adds more fuel to the fire for New York's Attorney General. Linky
  7. Pick a right tackle that started last year. Doesn't matter which one.
  8. The Buffalo Bills would all ready have relocated without the support from places like Toronto or Rochester for that matter. Anyone who doesn't at the very least acknowledge that Buffalo cannot carry the load alone keeping asses in the seats of RW stadium is living a pipe dream. This anti-Canadian sentiment is childish, ignorant and shameful. If anything, we should be welcoming our Canadian neighbors for being there to help us support our team. That's all I am going to say on the subject.
  9. The Indianapolis Colts made a huge mistake when instead of making Peyton Manning a "exclusive" franchise tag player he is a "nonexclusive" franchise tag player. This means he can negotiate with other teams. In a surprise move old Ralph opens his pocket book and makes an offer he can't refuse. The offer on the table is so attractive that the Colts can't match the offer and Peyton is thrilled with the prospect of playing against Brady twice a year. Peyton comes to Buffalo and is quoted as saying "I know one thing. We are going to find out who the best QB in the league is very soon."
  10. Maybe they showed him the door because he is not an owner.
  11. Live too far away from 97 Rock to catch this. Anyone hear what Russ had to say?
  12. Apparently Brandon has all ready left.... Daniel Kaplan (Sports Business Journal), reporting from Chicago via Twitter.
  13. I guess I just don't get the reason why the Bills are always mentioned as a small market team. Our stadium is one of the largest in the league and we pack it more than most teams do, first. The other thing is that we all ready spend very close to the cap every year. So when journalist hem & haw about Buffalo's small market year in and year out, and worry over how teams can cope, I tend to think it's more a matter of regurgitating the same old common misconception. Is the area less populated, yes. But when people think that the Bills organization doesn't prosper due to insignificant sales, they are off the mark. I live in Potsdam, NY now, a 5-6 hour drive and still manage to make it to a game now and then. I know Ralph likes Buffalo to be portrayed as a small market so he can argue for revenue sharing, but I have seen the stadium sold out too many times to believe it.
  14. That stood out to me too. And San Jose Bills Fan, reading your last post made my head hurt. I think I'm to the point where I just don't care what they decide. I just want football, dammit.
  15. That seems like a pretty healthy concession on the player side. If a rookie cap is also a part of the deal, I wonder what the owners are giving up besides better health care benefits. Someone in another thread was mentioning how owners would be required to spend at least 90% of the cap on total salaries and was thinking about how that relates to a rookie salary cap. It seems that if rookie salaries are held in check and owners will be required to spend at least to 90% of the cap that veteran players would stand to benefit. Just speculating.
  16. If that's the case we shoulda traded the entire team and started over.
  17. That's exactly right. The Bill's are all ready spending very close to the cap. The only thing that is slightly different is that instead of paying superstar money, the wealth is spread out amongst the players. People like to complain about not paying big money for guys like Jason Peters for example, but the team as a whole is still being paid very well. The Ralph is cheap stuff is BS. This news is going to change nothing more than a across the board raise or perhaps add some quality depth at one of the weaker positions. Not a real big change.
  18. And because Evans got hurt. Yes, Evans had a pathetic year(576yds), but people tend look at things in black and white only. He was practicing with Edwards at the helm instead of Fitz before the season started and up until Edwards was shown the door. Stevie spent a lot of time practicing with the second stringers and hence Fitz. How good a WR is, isn't all about how well you run a route. Having good practice time with your QB is critically important. Getting that timing down doesn't just miraculously happen. I also think that is why the other second string WRs had good numbers; they actually had a lot of reps with Fitz.
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