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Everything posted by Rockinon

  1. Gonna have to chime in here. One thing Gailey did do very well was find ways to get CJ the ball in space so he can do something. Every play I saw was CJ trying to power his way through a bunch of defenders. That's not CJ's game. He is fast and elusive but he is not going bust through a wall of defenders.
  2. I think the offense needs to work on execution and the whole team needs to end the penalties. Overall, I'm pretty pleased with what I saw from the team. The goal line stand was a beautiful thing. Fred Jackson is still a great RB. EJ has all the tools but still needs to get in a groove with his receivers. Stevie still comes up big(though he has to catch the damn ball in the open like that). The EJ TD over the top of 2 defenders to SJ was sweet. Woods wide open in the endzone....awesome. The defensive pressure on Brady was incredible. What I took from this game is the Bills have some growing pains to get through. The young talent is amazing but consistent execution is not there yet. Mckelvin made a lot of great plays in this game. His one big mistake was not catching that punt and letting sail over his shoulder to destroy good field position. The secondary was not as bad as I thought it would be, but I do think the pressure had a lot to do with that.
  3. Gotta disagree. McKelvin was the best DB today.
  4. I'm not buying it. I want hear Byrd acknowledge or deny this. Call him out coach Marone.
  5. According to Buffalorumblings we have our 8 PS positions filled. Linky
  6. I think Moorman recently is unemployed....
  7. If that's the plan, we have 'em right where we want the 'em.
  8. Naw. Let them keep their 4 QBs. When they are done picking people up off of the waiver wire, one of those QBs will be gone.
  9. Great attitude, man! IMO, we know what we had with the team we put on the field last year and years prior. We didn't have a problem complaining about that, so why are we complaining about an influx of promising young talent? There is one guarantee. If you don't change, you don't improve. There are no guarantees that changes will make an improvement but there is at least the possibility. It's funny. I see a couple of injuries and a couple of preseason losses and people just completely tank their attitudes. It's just a sport. We have a big number of unknowns going into this season, but there is at least chance our team will surprise. It's going to be a wild ride for sure, but that's what I like about this sport. I for one am not going to give up. I expect our team to have that same mentality game one against the Patsies. There is no guarantee that they will beat them, but if I'm a Bill, I knuckle down and go for it.....no matter what.
  10. This team needs a guard. At least 1 CB...probably 2. And I have to agree, that with Kolb Ko'd the Bills have some other QB in their line of sight.
  11. The scuttlebutt is that he won't need surgery and could be healthy soon, on Legursky
  12. Negativity breeds more negativity. Next thing you know, you are wallowing in it. I think I'm going to just forget about this one and move on. It's one game in preseason and we have a whole regular season ahead. I hope the team is feeling the same way because negativity has no place in this game.
  13. Naw, the Hoodie will keep him on the team until final cut day after this news.
  14. I have a theory. Maybe not an accurate theory but one none the less. I'm not hearing anything about exotic blitz packages and such this game. Seems kind of strange because Grossman is pretty easy to rattle. I'm wondering if the coaches are simply not calling them so they can evaluate our horrible corners. Of course, the Skins aren't throwing much. They have been killing us with power sweeps to the outside.
  15. Tuel isn't hitting anything.
  16. Shanny is a master of zone blocking schemes. His teams always take nobodies and turn them into rushing leaders.
  17. I haven't seen the blitzes being dialed this game.
  18. Can't be an worse than the Washington commentators.
  19. I'll play. How about I throw a football at your chest while you are running toward me. How many do you really think you are going to catch out of 10 tries? You're not think here. And you are completely ignoring physics. Obviously you have never played receiver either.
  20. Gilmore was running toward the ball. Do you know how hard it is to catch a football when you running toward it? Still he's a pro and that was right in his chest.....
  21. You'd think as many times as they run to the left, the defense would pick up on that.
  22. I used like watching Sam Gash blow defenders up.
  23. Democrat & Chronicle did a piece on this too. Linky
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