Great attitude, man! IMO, we know what we had with the team we put on the field last year and years prior. We didn't have a problem complaining about that, so why are we complaining about an influx of promising young talent? There is one guarantee. If you don't change, you don't improve. There are no guarantees that changes will make an improvement but there is at least the possibility. It's funny. I see a couple of injuries and a couple of preseason losses and people just completely tank their attitudes. It's just a sport. We have a big number of unknowns going into this season, but there is at least chance our team will surprise.
It's going to be a wild ride for sure, but that's what I like about this sport. I for one am not going to give up. I expect our team to have that same mentality game one against the Patsies. There is no guarantee that they will beat them, but if I'm a Bill, I knuckle down and go for matter what.