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Everything posted by billsintaiwan

  1. Hope they keep name and change logo to badly sunburned fat German man.
  2. Ha. I'm guessing you're joking? I live in Taiwan and life is normal because our government isn't controlled by demented power freaks averse to data. One hour flight to China. People wear masks, take simple precautions, etc... You guys can't have a normal life because roughly 40% of you are bone stupid and substitute YouTube videos you like for education.
  3. Matt Barkely and Davis Webb must secretly be somewhat pleased. Also they are probably double-checking every text message they've ever sent.
  4. My Newcastle supporter friend from South shields has just become the world's greatest apologist for the Saudi royal family. Ha
  5. This makes viewing in Taiwan much better! Those 1 a.m. to 4 a.m. and then 2 a.m. to 5 a.m. games are rough on the marriage. And the kids. Ha
  6. Age discrimination just needs a rational basis. Legally, that is a pretty easy hurdle.
  7. I was just about to post something similar. Seemed like the dolphins were never penalized back then. And, yes, Shula was on the competition committee. I got around to liking him after we started to dominate. Would have felt bad for him if any other team in the division thwarted him. Ha
  8. He looks and sounds like a giant millennial Jim Kelly.
  9. Was at this game, half the stadium was settling into seats when bell broke that off. Cold cold day. First game I went to. My grandfather failed to sneak in a can of orange Pringles. I was ten.
  10. Here in Taiwan, the baseball season has been delayed a bit but should start relatively soon. The newer cases here have been caught at the airport or during mandatory quarantine. There have been a few cases they can't account for and a couple people have broken quarantine, but so far so good. You guys are way behind in every way. Big hope is that it passes seasonally, but there isn't much evidence for that. I scout for the royals and only the most optimistic of the optimists think MLB can start anytime before June. Likely in front of empty stadiums.
  11. The odds of him catching a game winning touchdown against us have been drastically reduced.
  12. Was watching movie as part of a period of grieving for Max von Sydow. He was also in Conan the Barbarian, easily Arnold Schwarzenegger's finest film, though you can make an argument for predator or the terminator.
  13. After rewatching Flash Gordon (NY Jets QB) last night, I would have to say Josh Allen is the only current NFL QB who may have been able to pull off what Flash did.
  14. Indeed, I look to Frank gore as the main problem with our running game.
  15. O.J. Simpson was found not guilty by jury of his peers for the murder of his wife and her waiter buddy, and was later railroaded by an unfair Nevada justice system and sentenced unfairly as first time criminal offender.
  16. I didn't think they turtled, I think they went play action at the wrong time. They were getting good yardage on the ground and then all of the sudden they wanted Jimmy g to make a play. They should have kept gashing them.
  17. I liked the segue from the women astronauts to the pole dancing at halftime. Have to take in the whole gestalt.
  18. I recall nearly every single screen we attempted being immediately diagnosed and snuffed out. Can think off maybe three or four that worked.
  19. Ah, just messing about. I'd say the same about the so-called left base as well.
  20. I have never encountered an intelligent fan base. Intelligent fans, yes. Intelligent base, no. Like Republicans.
  21. That was brutal but he should not have been in that match up. RB should have chipped in. He was was looking for someone to block. Reid Ferguson
  22. Yes, this is most of the board until next year. I see the future....Will come back post draft then disappear again until opening day.
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