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Everything posted by billsintaiwan

  1. strike year? don't know who though. will resort to google.
  2. you'd do fine in a police state. public intoxication laws are as stupid as open container laws.
  3. exactly. damaged goods. otherwise he is probably a top ten back.
  4. i remember that face-mask call. the ref (or umpire?) was completely out of position. all he saw was bruce doing the the tomahawk and esiason's head snapping down. he was behind bruce and esiason. horrid call, changed the game.
  5. my lord, that seems a lifetime ago. we'll almost certainly never see his like again. number 31 my arse! top ten.
  6. i completely understand. you are a dog barking in the mirror. enjoy the rest of the thread.
  7. no, thin-skinned based on his reactions to what i thought were often innocuous comments. there were also some people who were downright rude to him. big deal. i don't get offended when someone uses three question marks like a hysterical woman, even though there is no reason to use three question marks.
  8. that's too bad. always thought TG was a bit thin-skinned, but JW was a reasonable poster. oh well.
  9. year zero brings to mind pol pot's cambodia. it might be a fine analogy, except for the human tragedy part.
  10. a more thoughtful reply would go like this: there is something between a garbage fluff piece like this that nobody with any semblance of a life should find interesting and knee-jerk negativity (jerry sullivan). just like there is plenty of room between the yahoo OMG page or whatever it's called and andy rooney. if you think this is a fine example of journalism, then i reckon you're a person easily dismissed. hence my first reply. i'd further reckon that gaughan's piece would be part of any proposal to cut staff at a newspaper.
  11. I liked the article. What I don't like is your pointless cynicism... i'm glad you liked the article. i hear lindsay lohan is in trouble again. and what's up with that snooki girl? this stuff is like sooooooo interesting, yeah?
  12. you're right. it is much more irritating because they are absolutely clueless on defense. a couple decades or so ago it was okay to have a story about dr. sack's shoes or musical tastes. we were winning and stories about colorful but mediocre defensive ends were fine. jarius bloody byrd should not be waxing on about stroud's color coordination. he should either be watching film, catching ball from a jugs machine, or being whipped by angry chimay monks for looking like a clown most of the year.
  13. http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/article220217.ece valuable resources devoted to marcus stroud's fashion sense and sense of humor. is he a sensitive lover as well? is there anyone who cares about football who is interested in this tripe? is the news really that slow? is tomorrow's article going to be about who collects stamps and appreciates fine wine? if there is nothing to write about in regard to the bills, then write about some local dart league, the UB Bulls, or any damn thing other than marcus stroud's wit. how about an analysis of his play this season?
  14. "Of the 27 players drafted by the Bills in 2007 and 2008, a whopping five are still on the team." the bills drafted 27 players in 2007 and 2008? still, the gist of the article is correct. bad, bad drafts. bad, bad job by modrak.
  15. he has dancing with the stars written all over him. he probably views his lack of football production as a major impediment to his career as a half-assed celebrity.
  16. This team is absolutely awful on D, but the offense is more watchable than it has been in years. You can see how most of the plays have potential to work. Gailey knows what he's doing. We are just short of personnel. The play-calling was not good last week, but maybe Gailey saw something in the Jacksonville D that he thought he could take advantage of. If I were the Jacksonville coordinator, I would have stacked up against the run. I haven't (and won't) re-watch the game, but I reckon that's what Gailey saw. If not, then it was just bad play-calling. To repeat the obvious, we don't have a defense. The offense has been reasonable. That Maybin pick might have set this franchise back at least a year. We're going to have address that position again. This will be a long year. I bet the offense pulls out a game somewhere along the line. Probably just one though. Then for the most tedious, repetitive pre-draft period for years on TBD!
  17. marshawn lynch is a two strikes guy. nobody was going to give up the farm. get over it.
  18. ach. he knows what sells. plenty of reactive whinging all the time about whatever the topic of the day might be. no real analysis due to ignorance, sloth, and/or intransigence. no matter. last time i was back in town the local talk radio people were frothing about cash for clunkers, and though i reckon it was a silly scheme, the vitriol and hysteria that it engendered not only on the radio, but among people in bars and restaurants i was at leads me to believe that sullivan knows his audience. too many ignorant folk lurching from crisis to crisis, pitchforks and torches close by. not everyone, obviously, but too many people in buffalo are sullivan's symbiotic cohorts. i agree with bobblehead. just turn the guy off if you don't like him. i know it's hard. it's like trying not to watch fox news. even though you know exactly what it will be, you still like to see exactly how the hackneyed agenda gets furthered. but everyone should do their best.
  19. yup. that play would have made me sit his sorry arse for the second half. the guy isn't an nfl quarterback. fitz would have made that play.
  20. gailey is wishy-washy? sullivan wants to see edwards against new england again? or he doesn't? what? the guy is like the soviet news service. same line, over and over. often right about racism in watts and not much else. i get the line that the bills are a dysfunctional franchise. the proof is unfortunately in the pudding. however this article is pure nonsense. http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/columns/jerry-sullivan/article196311.ece
  21. fitz, if nothing else, can read a blitz and would have hit a wide open parrish on that last third down play on the last possession in the first half. parrish was good for at least the first down and probably much more. no way an fitz misses that. that is the difference between him and TE. he sees defenses and has some balls. he just doesn't always make the throw because he isn't the most accurate guy in the world. that parrish play, btw, was a real game changer. it looks awful on film. bet that was the clincher for gailey.
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