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Everything posted by billsintaiwan

  1. 'very good' is a gross overstatement. davis and bulaga both have serious lapses. they average at best right now. better than wrotto, mind you, but not 'very good.'
  2. we could offer whitner, mccargo, AND maybin. no way they turn down three first round picks.
  3. i guess it wouldn't be a tragedy. of course i hope i they end up drafting around ten and pick up some extra picks from whichever sucker thinks newton is must have.
  4. That's fair. I reckon Evans comes down with some of those shots down the sideline. He was definitely forcing things today, but he always forces things a bit and they usually work out. the fumbles were uncharacteristic. Like I said, I wouldn't take anyone in the draft over Fitz right now. Maybe Luck, I suppose, but that isn't happening. I'd give him the benefit of the doubt as far as cold weather capabilities go for now.
  5. First, you have to be good team period. There are good teams that fold in the cold, but I don't remember any bad Bills teams beating a much better team just because of the weather. At least not recently. I did go to the Cowboys game in '84 or some such when Greg Bell broke off his 80 yard TD run to start the game. We held on to win that game against a team we had no business beating due in large part to the evil weather. Still, you need to be generally good before being a good bad weather team. Maybe that's obvious. Second, we need a group to stay together and go through the winter a couple times. Kelly and Reed might have been used to playing in bad weather, though Jimbo had a few years in Miami and Houston, but Thurman certainly wasn't. Our leading receiver went to school in Kentucky, Spiller went to Clemson, Nelson went to Florida, etc...They'll learn to play in this crap eventually, but they look as uncomfortable as the '81 Chargers in the cold right now. You learn by doing. If we make some FA pickups, I hope they come from teams that can play in this crap. It is something to keep in mind hen drafting. It's a damn good thing Aaron Rodegrs got to freeze for a couple years in Green bay before having to make plays. I wouldn't pass on a sure guy just because he is unaccustomed to bad weather, but I would count on him having a period of adjustment. I do think we have something going. Today's game showed how far off we are from the beating the Patriots, not how far off we are from putting a playoff team together. It is little consolation to anyone that the Patriots did the same thing to the Jets and Bears, but you have to keep that in mind. Everyone knows we need more on D and a legit tackle. Fitz worried me today because he really doesn't look right in bad weather. I don't think Cam Newton is the answer. I'd give Fitz one more year to see how he progresses.
  6. you're off your rocker. how many cycles have you been through? this is the first time the team has been headed in the right direction in twenty years. chan gailey knows how to coach. you are right that wins and losses are ultimate barometer, but they aren't the only one.
  7. the only redeeming thing i saw in the game was how fast williams comes out of his stance. he went into the backfield on a few plays but nobody else did anything. spiller isn't ready for primetime and i think a number 9 running back should be. that being said, i think he'll be weapon down the road. if next year is mediocre, then that pick looks like the dolphins taking ted ginn. can't fault the patsies for going for it on 4th down. wasn't the ball on the 28 yard line? no real shot at a field goal and a punt would have been odd. donte's coverage on gronkowski was laughable. it really was. he simply isn't big enough to cover a good TE. not so hot hot with mediocre TEs either. fitz played poorly. i still like him. steve johnson needs to catch that 4th and 12 pass. yes he got hit. he still needs to catch it. probably wouldn't have changed the outcome, but the bills had a shot to make it 14-10. bills-giants superbowl. i had flashbacks. belicheck's D went out and slammed reed on his crossing patterns at every opportunity. it was the time i ever saw reed rattled. the whole bills receiving corp except for roosevelt was rattled today. can't blame nelson though. fitz put him in a terrible position. this was the first time i've seen gailey outmaneuvered by a defense.
  8. i reckon american christmas spending probably doesn't leave a lot of extra bread for the bills game. i think bills fan's record of support speaks for itself. one non-sellout does not a trend make. if people have the entertainment money to spend on the bills they will. i bet next season sees an increase in season ticket sales. i am personally amazed that an economically depressed area continually supports the bills to the extent that they do. i'm thankful to everyone who spends their hard-earned bucks on the bills. i live thousands of miles away, watch games for free online, and buy a jersey from the gift shop once in awhile. i'd buy bonds if that idea ever got rolling.
  9. dumbest post of the year? good lord, that would take some doing. i mean, yes, this one is pretty dumb, but is it the dumbest? it might be. can anyone remember a dumber one? perhaps one relating to the poorly utilized skill set of maybin or TE's enduring viability? how the season was over because we cut that chad jackson? just to add my two cents, spiller obviously has explosive ability. he'll figure it out soon and the bills will have a weapon and a half. maybin should be a roadie for dj jazzy jeff.
  10. classic inconclusive replay. i agree it looked like a trap, but it wasn't clear enough to overturn the call on the field. i thought gailey was going to challenge, but i'm glad he didn't.
  11. i've been watching the bloody bills since chuck knox. i know there are plenty on here who go farther back. outside of the kelly no huddle days, this is the best offensive scheme i have seen. ground chuck was boring as hell and, like marty ball, never got it done in the big game. the rest of the 80's was forgettable. then you had one of the best offenses i've seen in the nfl. then a bit of flutie being clever. then rj. then eight games of good bledsoe. that is about it as far as the offense goes. i'm not saying this offense is anywhere close to the k-gun, but it works and it will work even better with more playmakers. they move the chains and make plays on third down. it is still a weekly revelation after so many horrid years of qb play to watch fitz. gailey did that in a year. he is the best coach we have had in a very long time. of course defense and special teams are the other parts of the equation. there is certainly room criticize gailey there, but there the lack of talent is harder to hide. i think we see some new linebackers next year and an effective unit from the get go. we finished decently last year and that didn't turn out to mean much. i have a different feeling about this year. our qb position is settled. maybe we draft a guy, maybe we don't. but there will certainly be continuity on offense next year and with improved d, we'll be a contender from the start. hard to beat NE, but we're right there with the jets and the dolphins. good job mr. gailey.
  12. must disagree on corner. he was getting beat by bess a lot. otherwise, great game and coherent thoughts!
  13. timmy looks like a gamer, but he can't play qb. he didn't look good at all. maybe he could be a TE. and he is the last guy i'd want to hanging around the sideline. people who can't keep their superstitions to themselves irritate the hell out of me. i rarely try to convert people to zorostrianism.
  14. a hong kong guy eh? i live in taiwan. mondays are hell. getting up at 2 a.m. is rough, but it has been worth it more often than not this year. hong kong rocks. if you are ever looking for a cool lounge bar check out salon no. 5 in central.
  15. you guys are too het up over a mediocre guard with a bad history. he was cut by the rams. the rams. don't think anyone was giving up a 3rd for the guy. it might have been nice to have him around. it might not have been. again, not a big deal. have a ball with the remainder of this scintillating discussion.
  16. is he a guy you're going to count on? who knows how things went in the locker room. maybe the guy was a prick. maybe there was great fear that he would be a prick. maybe he was easily replaceable with less risky prospects. he is a mediocre interior lineman. not bad. not great. a history of volatility. not a big deal in general. logical reasoning without sufficient information is akin to onanism. we are saddled with philosophy as an academic discipline because greeks lacked sufficient scientific information.
  17. yes indeed. cbs has to come to work in the draft room. maybin is (much more likely than not, as in betting my firstborn likely) going to remain in ebon fields. if he played baseball, he'd be riding the pine in batavia.
  18. maybin is amazing. 'shackle his game'? he has a game? there is some tried and true maybin path to success that is being hindered? too much mtv and dora the explorer for that guy.
  19. very good post. i am looking for an improved team next year (maybe wildcard) and a real contender in two years that is built to last.
  20. listening to nfl announcers mangle and randomly throw together words makes me appreciate vin scully all the more.
  21. dude, chinaman is not the preferred nomenclature. asian-american, please.
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