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Everything posted by billsintaiwan

  1. that is funny stuff. absurdist, i guess. the guy is pure distilled stereotype screaming at the world.
  2. took me twenty seconds to browse, thirty to reply. hope it took you more than 50 seconds to waste your time with this wank.
  3. my understanding was that you had to post a bond. it may depend on the offense.
  4. no doubt. i'm looking for wallace to get behind those slow safeties once or twice. doesn't matter how fast revis and cromartie are, nobody can stay with that guy. they'd better slam him off the line. or don't. i'd like pittsburgh to romp. the steelers' o-line is the big question mark.
  5. this is true. when sanchez makes quick reads he actually looks a lot like fitz. i think he is more accurate, but isn't quite as good as fitz at making the quick read. that td pass to tomlinson was a prime example of looking very fitz-like. in a couple years, i think sanchez will be better. now they are about the same.
  6. the first link on atdhe is working smooth. you need to download the v-share widget. i've used it all year with no ill effects, but i'm not a computer guy, so i can't say if it's cool or not.
  7. gabbert has the best qb tools in the draft. beautiful release, strong arm. newton is a relative child. the only question is whether gabbert can learn to read defenses. this is a question for all college qbs, including luck. first to carolina seems too high though. a bit low. not unlike rivers. but i don't view this as a fatal flaw. speaking as a scout (albeit not a football scout!) when you see two plus tools (delivery, arm strength) and an average to maybe above average in the future third (accuracy) then you have a real prospect. again, it depends whether or not he can read pro defenses and react. his college career doesn't show that. of course neither did sam bradford's or any other college qb's.
  8. that is a brilliant release. the guy would have to learn a bunch, but i really like that throwing motion. better than mallet by plenty. no way that guy lasts to the 2nd round. looks a bit rivers-esque.
  9. you might be right. history doesn't inevitably repeat itself though. i get you, if i had to bet money i'd probably bet on your scenario coming to fruition. but there is not, as yet, enough evidence to make a definitive decision.
  10. i ran into marcus allen outside kelly's short-lived sports bar downtown. my friend asked if joe montana was coming back and marcus said, '**** man, i just don't know' and walked preety fast. that guy had long legs. good posture. did say 'you too' when i said 'take care', so he wasn't a complete prick. and my friend's question was stupid. and we were on mushrooms, though at the tail end of the trip. a vicarious story, my dad was the buffalo raceway and gave fred smerlas a winning pick. smerlas and haslett were there. fred smerlas picked up my dad's two hundred fifty pound friend and jumped up and down.
  11. relentless. it has been blown up. fitz was curiously left standing. this is a good thing.
  12. all heath shuler did was make plays. the guy was a stud. IS a stud. where is he? someone wake nix up to sign heath shuler. and robbie bosco. that guy made plays. yes, he was probably mormon. GET OVER IT! irrational faith (and what is faith if not irrationality) it has no bearing on his ability to read defenses. there are entire towns that worship him. The bills haven't shown any balls in years. the only solution is to go shuler, bosco in Fa and the best available TE at 3. doesn't matter if they don't go to harvard. grow a beard. get a wonderlic. i want some horses. not some damn pony like they use in mexico.
  13. statistically the d was better under fewell, but it wasn't good. fewell had better personnel for his system and it had been in place for a couple years. but it wasn't good. it was probably never going to be great. edwards didn't do anything to show he is a keeper. but the personnel was god awful. the secondary played much more man to man and was found wanting. i'm not saying that i wouldn't rather have mike nolan or wade, but personnel (in relation to the D we're trying to run) is a problem. if we throw a few more real players in at LB and DE and it still isn't working, then it is clearly 'head of edwards' calling time. until then, i'm not sure and you shouldn't be either. and i think there is no basis at all for saying gailey wouldn't make the move due to his pride. just read this. could have said +1. instead of reiterating.
  14. watched that game at casa di pizza or whatever that place is called on elmwood. best sunday afternoon ever. i honestly never stopped thinking we had a shot. houston was probably the only team in the league that could have given up that lead because they ran the run and shoot and couldn't run the clock down.
  15. i could picture brohm giving a similar presser after every subsequent start he is fortunate enough to get in the future
  16. writing off may be drastic, based on the circumstances, but backup at best. i didn't like his inability to read the D. when one side of the line is overloaded, you have adjust the protection. fitz does this routinely. brohm just doesn't seem aware enough to be a starting qb. he made a couple good throws. that's it. no 'qb of the future' stuff on display today.
  17. i am looking forward to seeing george wilson next year. he has much better ball instincts than donte. he doesn't play the run as well, but, allah willing, we'll draft some linemen and our linebackers can start making tackles instead of our safeties.
  18. yup. brohm just doesn't see defenses. he didn't see blitzers, didn't change the protections, and didn't unload the ball when he had to. yes, the line didn't play well, the receiving corps is decimated, and he threw a couple nice balls. but he is backup material at best.
  19. watching that fumble and spiller idiotically trying to cover the fumble instead of knocking it out of bounds showed me that spiller and johnson are two of the dimmer bulbs on the bills. fingers crossed that they learn from this year and get it together in 2011.
  20. you would take tim tebow in a redraft? wow. bulaga at 9? wow. iupati at 9? wow. glad you're confined to a message board.
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