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Everything posted by billsintaiwan

  1. that is a pretty brutal list. hard to handle them all together like that.
  2. i'll take your word for it that he balked, but once he was in there, he was a terror. and he definitely spent a hell of a lot more time in coverage than some of the other elite libs of the day. anyone remember his first game? it was like watching TNT on the field. talk about first step. he was in the backfield in a nanosecond. you knew right then that polian made the right deal.
  3. bennett was an amazing player who did everything he was ever asked to do. i remember when bruce was out for most of the season. i think it was 91 or 92. cb moved inside and was in on bloody everything. he held that d together. in a different defense, he would have had derrick thomas numbers of sacks. the guy was so good at covering tight ends and even receivers at times that they fell in love with dropping him into coverage. i think he is the most underrated linebacker of his era.
  4. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd picks on lineman in two years. buddy knows what he's doing. you don't.
  5. as a scout, albeit in another sport, it is incredibly easy to follow the herd. only the guys with real balls stray. his take on alex smith was pretty gutty because even pros get taken in by the hype machine. i saw a shortstop in korea once. from the minute i was off the plane his agent was throwing numbers around. korean tv stuck a microphone in my face and asked what i thought. 'nice young man, bright future.' but honestly he was run-of-the-mill and anyone who knows a bit about baseball could see it. but i know for a fact that scouts wrote home saying the kid was the real deal. why? because none of them wanted to be the guy who gave the ss a low grade when others were going high. and supervisors pressure you as well. they'll ask why you're not seeing what other paid professionals apparently are seeing. i liked this article. don't know enough about football to say anything about locker. but i like the cut of the scout's jib.
  6. jesus is a great crutch for people who can't deal with their own actions, their inability to think, and/or their scientific ignorance. hit a tough patch? jesus!
  7. cato june! it seems like only yesterday he was dick jauron's must-have undersized linebacker.
  8. the only thing vaguely racist is that he is to often compared to jamarcus russell and vince young, i.e. other black quarterbacks. i don't think his skill set is like either of those two, except maybe in terms of young's running.
  9. he obviously isn't going to spend his down time looking for a cure for cancer...
  10. couple that with the bills reaching around the fans. at least they're showing some courtesy.
  11. besides it's clear that filipinos are genetically predisposed to be the best nine ball players and boxers in the world. i'd say the whole funneling kids at an early age to positions that seem right is a good argument. it's not to say that blacks can't play qb, but they are probably better at many other positions initially and are placed accordingly. as offenses change and the qb position demands different skill sets, i'd imagine you'll see a shift. arguably you already have. there really isn't any doubt that, by and large, black athletes have a more burst and simply run faster than anyone in the world. the best sprinters are black. you put fast kids at rb, wr, and db. black kids are usually faster than white kids. if yu have two kids who throw equally well, but one can also catch and run faster, the less fast one is going to play qb. don't know if there is any sort of internalized racism to the decision. maybe. i don't believe anyone who says they aren't 'racist' in terms of forming opinions about other people based on their race or ethnicity before they know the person. my longstanding prejudice against italians hasn't harmed me at all.
  12. the klitschko brothers would like to have a word with you. gerry cooney doesn't because he's been beaten silly by black men.
  13. also this is a guy with developmental upside. he has the physical tools, but hasn't been playing on the o-line for very long.
  14. Just throwing this out there. Does a year away from contact make one more or less susceptible to injury? I could see a year off allowing for further physical development and complete healing of old injuries. I could also see it making one a bit soft. Are there any examples that would point one way or the other?
  15. more or less. less. but if they go to an 18 game season because goodell says that's what fans want, then we're getting closer to the coliseum.
  16. yup. i know i live in a more free society than the u.s. the police spend most of their time drinking tea.
  17. plus many. you know where else nationalism is big? china. it was big in germany. big in japan. it's a sickness and usually a sign that people are getting ripped off and/or asked to do things that aren't in their best interests. keep nationalism and politics away from football as much as possible.
  18. i'd say that last year (with the exception of spiller who some people predicted) showed the futility of predicting the bills draft. how many people mentioned troup or carrington? nada if i remember correctly. but, yes, this would be a fine draft.
  19. well i watch the same bloody commercials everyone else does when i watch the bills online. i guess it doesn't count in the tv station's ratings, but the tv station is still doing what it is intended to do: sell viewers to advertisers. mind you i don't understand the swedish commercials when they stream the prime time games. anyway, this is much ado about nothing. i'd be upset if i paid taxes. it is a very silly exercise. atdhe is back already. i'm sure it will be no problem to watch the superbowl. and i might pay a buck a game. the nfl does very well. selling access to games and taking endless bucks from advertisers is a bit much.
  20. i'm glad gailey was frustrating scouts. scouting is all about getting good lucks. why should gailey give other teams good looks? i scout baseball in taiwan and local scouts are always feeding bad info to out of town scouts who fly in. one guy from the braves spent a whole weekend in the wrong city looking for a baseball field that didn't exist because a rival scout fed him false info on the flight over. all is fair in love, war, and scouting.
  21. those were the words most often uttered by our clients right at the beginning of the police interview when i was working in criminal defense in hawaii. nine out of ten definitely had something they should have been hiding.
  22. he has a plus release. tebow can't throw a football.
  23. the douchebag scout for the red sox here in taiwan got a world series ring. everyone connected with the org gets one in baseball. i might be waiting a couple years for mine.
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