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Everything posted by billsintaiwan

  1. We should have seen Ralph's statue being dissed coming....
  2. "There has never been dominance like this by any team in any professional football league." Otto Graham called. Asked you to read a fkcing book.
  3. Yup, I don't remember a more vilified coordinator. Maybe wanny, but that was a quick year
  4. 1. Bills 2. KC Royals 3. Everton FC 4. EDA Rhinos 5. Tranmere Rovers
  5. Marijuana testing is bloody ridiculous unless you're operating some sort of machine. I'm sure that needed to be said again.
  6. Two vicarious stories: my old man and his friend were at Batavia downs and ran into Jim haslett and Fred smerlas. Old man's friend gave haslett the winning horse on a trifecta bet and haslett, after picking this 250 lb friend up like he was a feather and dancing around, bought beers the rest of the night. Two: near empty bar on the south side and my uncle was making fun of jack Kemp's strangely high voice. Kemp was, I think, our representative at the time or maybe just prior to that. My uncle hears a guy at the end of the bar say "I don't think his voice is that high" in an exaggerated high voice. The guy was jack Kemp. Again, many hours of beers and positive experience. Note that no autographs were requested. Just living.
  7. Everyone jumping to conclusions should watch Rashomon. "The Beach Chairs" could be a fine film, same story with three perspectives. Kromer, teenager, beach chair. Or fishing rod. Whatever works.
  8. Terrance Pennington started 16 games or some such at RT as a rookie and was never heard from again
  9. Right on. I own a bar/restaurant in Taiwan with live music on the weekends. There has been a blanket ban on Bon Jovi covers ever since I opened four years ago. Taiwanese love Bon Jovi for some reason and "It's my life" is part of every young Taiwanese musician's English language song repertoire. I've shut down the sound system when bands try to break my bon jovi ban.
  10. I think every thread I've ever read about Michael Sam ends up turning really, really bitchy... I'm sure there is an anthropology paper in this
  11. Tebow has long been rumored to have a fondness for sheep. NZ goes crazy for that sort of thing.
  12. Casa de pizza on Elmwood. Knock three times, ask for Luigi and you were in
  13. Generally, if there is a felony committed and someone dies as a result of that felony, anyone involved in committing the felony can be convicted for the murder. Probably varies slightly from state to state.
  14. I've noticed this as well. Bugs me more than any other typo.
  15. Jake Locker has talent, but probably can't play more than eight games
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