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Everything posted by billsintaiwan

  1. Every single time I follow a game thread, I wonder why buffalo still has a team. Unrelenting negative misery. I only assume that the silent majority is not on TBD
  2. Grogan definitely had some balls on him. Remember him playing with giant horse collar. Held together with strings.
  3. Bobby Layne. Though he was hammered most of the time.
  4. The greatest run in the history of pro sports? The 49ers and Steelers had better decades. The Otto Graham Cleveland browns had a better decade. The Lombardi and curly lambeau packers teams? That's just football. Have you no sense of history? Are you in your twenties? At long last have you no sense of shame?
  5. That D had one of the best defensive lines ever. Were they dropping into zone coverage? Legitimate question and maybe someone here knows that D better than me. They were monsters and if memory serves, Buddy just let the D-line get after the qb. They destroyed qb left and right. Maybe a better model for our D to which Rex could more easily relate.
  6. All right. To clarify, I have never wanted the Bills to lose. I started following when I was 7 or 8 and a promising Bills team missed in the playoffs. Then Kay. Then Hank. Then Marv and that was a blast. Haven't ever really gotten over the Nashville shite. Numblike. But I have been relentlessly positive and hopeful every year. For the last ten years, I have been up from one a.m. to five a.m. Monday morning to watch the games live. I have, without apology, shocked and awed my wife, small children, neighbors and other civilians with anguished shouts in the darkness. I may hate this particular coach enough to want him to lose to Chan Gailey. I won't know until it happens. Obviously if we had a single bloody thing to play for, a ghost of a chance at the playoffs, or even if we weren't coached by this damned buffoon who dismantled the best defense we have had this century, it would be no question. But it is not black and white, kids.
  7. I probably will be. Maybe it was Gailey's fault that he couldn't get a decent defensive coordinator. Don't know. But I do know that he was a good man who made an awful team fun to watch for awhile. Same as Fitzpatrick, though he gave me a headache the last eight games or so. The game means nothing to the Bills. At best and worst, it gives Rex Ryan something to bloviate about during the off-season.
  8. It would certainly be the rational thing to do, but most of these guys didn't get where they are by making a series of rational decisions. I think you're right though in that more than before will pursue this course, especially after they've been hurt.
  9. No team worse in the NFL today. If Pegula gives this team to Rex and cans Whaley it will improve my life because I will not watch another minute of this **** team.
  10. 19 MIL is a tone of money, but what Ryan has done to this D is criminal
  11. Whaley over Ryan every time. Pegulas made a huge mistake if they were the ones who made the Rex call over Whaley's choice. Good for short term sales, bad in the long run. Whaley can build a team and if he doesn't do it here, he'll do it some where else.
  12. My mother has Crohns, feel lucky to have missed it so far. One surgery about thirty years ago, lots of yoga and dietary restrictions. No drugs, though marijuana helps her a great deal. That almost certainly isn't an option for Henderson because the NFL is a primitive reactionary cult.
  13. Man, I know everyone was excited for Rex. So was I. But it reeks of a non-football pr hire in retrospect. I could be wrong, maybe whaley was all for Rex. But I bet hue Jackson left thinking he had the gig because of how he got on with whaley. I know Bills fans, some of the more savvy ones would have liked Jackson, most would have whinged that he was a weak hire, only guy who would come here, etc...I doubt he would have messed with the defense. Maybe he would have had a shite offense. Who knows? The point is I think whaley knew that Rex's defensive concepts would be implemented and that there would be a huge transition. The pegulas? Rex has always had a good D. Why would he not have one here? Like most fans thought.
  14. Doug Whaley has done a pretty good job constructing the roster. Not perfect. Pretty good. His college scouts seem to be doing a good job. The draft went well. If media reports are to be believed (and just for the sake of this argument, let's say they are accurate), then Pegula has stuck his hand into Doug's domain twice. First with the Rex hire, which I judge to be a mistake. He ruined the defense. End of story. Second with Jackson. Instead of happening in May or whenever, it happened right before the season started, creating a needless distraction. Neither of the Pegulas know football like Whaley does. They should have let him do his job. We'd probably have Hue Jackson and Schwartz. This season would have been different. Step back T&K, and let Whaley do his thing. He will get it done even with his clueless oaf coach.
  15. Worst coached game I have ever seen. Bring back Kay Stephenson
  16. This defense isn't going to win anything. By the far the biggest disappointment of the year. Was not supposed to be an issue.
  17. The game is over! Turn off your TV! Go read a book! Something by Jane Austen maybe
  18. Love checking in here to see the joy. Buffalo Doom in full effect
  19. Interesting parallels to flutie~johnson. Scrambling, fighting, underwized winner (so far) who has the backing of the team vs. Prototype qb who hasn't proved himself. Seems to be lacking the antipathy that flutie and johnson had for each other, but who knows.
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