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Everything posted by billsintaiwan

  1. They were constantly knocked about after pass. True, few sacks. Lots of hits on qb
  2. Ted Washington roughing then passer penalty. How many hall of famers on field? Crazy. They really beat the hell out of young and Kelly. Watch this and tell me Brady would have lasted in this era. You can play a drinking game with all the plays that would be penalized in 2017.
  3. Can't ever forget those teams. Became cognizant of team in knox's last year when I was about 8, watched virtually every game since (including the last ten years at 1, 2, 4, and 5 a.m.), remember vividly where I was during the throwback (I had gone upstairs to get luggage to dash to airport, my Chinese roommate yelling up to me "t here is something wrong!), and still the greatest memories are the Jim Kelly and Bruce Smith Bills. The Rex Ryan years were the toughest. Worse than Hank Bullough. Worse than Jauron. Just abject stupidity. Certainly the worst head coach we have had in the past 35 years.
  4. I can't believe you !@#$ers are still going over the "how many draft picks" argument
  5. Aye the Philippines is huge into basketball. Pro league is fun. Lots of running and gunning. Soccer and basketball will always win out. All you need to play is a ball. Baseball is big in Taiwan, Korea, and japan. That is about it outside of the western hemisphere. O.J. Simpson is undoubtedly the best known nfl player in taiwan
  6. lesean mccoy had a falling out with chip kelly. this is a point of emphasis.
  7. Scouts in any sport are happy to be gainfully employed
  8. Brian Brohm ends Aaron Rodgers era before it begins. https://www.google.com.tw/amp/s/syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/19950.amp.html And Matt Barkely. He was a preseason first round pick.
  9. Do his hands look small? I think they look small. I see fumbles. https://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/9e1a3a02d5edfc3469079a39cc8f9bdb43fe8b1c/c=109-0-2320-2948&r=643&c=0-0-640-854/local/-/media/2017/05/14/Rochester/Rochester/636303797206227633-AP-17029686349020.jpg
  10. This was my first game. Half the stadium didn't see bell break off the TD run on the first play of the game. It was bloody freezing.
  11. Very true. No way my kid would ever play football. We live in Taiwan, so it is not a big probability anyway, but any sport that involves blows to the head is in peril. He was a bit if a taekwando prodigy when he was six, so they promptly started matching him with ten year olds. Saw him get kicked in the twice at practice and said that is it for taekwando. His coach is a cool guy who comes into my bar, maybe 50 years old, out of his gourd though. Repeats himself, forgets he ordered things, introduces friends of his to me when I have met ten times. This is pre-booze.
  12. i hope, someday, we will be able to read a box score like that again. it was beautiful. smith, reed, thomas all with big nights. i don't think it will be lawson, watkins, mccoy, but it would be nice to half a team like our early nineties teams
  13. !@#$ing traitors. Brady would have been crippled if he qbed in the late 80s, early 90s.
  14. I do not think scouts subconsciously discount based on race, BUT, and I say this as a professional baseball scout, they definitely go with what they know works. Meaning, in my sport, if there are two players, more or less equal,one from the Dominican Republic, one from Asia, then virtually every scout I've known would go for the kid from the DR. There is more of a track record of success there. Very different sports obviously, but I can see how it may be harder to project a kid of east Asian ancestry who appears to be adept at cb in college. A scout would have far less to go on in terms which way the body will go, how the body will handle bulk, whether the speed will stay or go, etc...
  15. read carefully, kiddo. did not say race, said genetics.
  16. good take away. you're right. everybody is exactly the same. you too could be a world class marathoner if you just put your face to the grindstone and choke on your boot straps.
  17. It is stupid to think genetics do not play a huge role determining athletic success. It is also stupid to think that a variety of other factors do not play a huge role in determining athletic success. Genetics is not synonymous with race. I guess Jamaicans and Kenyans would both be black, but it doesn't say much. However the distinct genetic makeup of Jamaican sprinters and Kenyan long distance runners certainly has a lot to say about their likelihood for athletic success. Jamaican long distance runners are garbage and Kenyan sprinters are garbage. It is also depends greatly on the sport. Football, or more specifically,cornerback certainly demands more than just explosive quick twitch muscles, though they don't hurt.
  18. Again, 5th round pick for backup running back. What is the !@#$ing problem?
  19. What did we get for marshawn? A 4th? I'd say a 5th pick for our number 2 back is pretty good.
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