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Everything posted by billsintaiwan

  1. Hank Bullough was determined not to be overshadowed. I was 12 or so, my grandfather got a buffalo sports aware of some sort at UB, we were watching the Bulls play, sitting on the hill and Van Miller came up. I asked him why Coach Bullough wouldn't let Kelly pass more and Van said, "nobody knows, son."
  2. It is one of the worst surgeries a pitcher could have. Shoulders bad. Generally a very long rehab and returning to past velocity and command is not a certainty. QBs don't throw the football as much as pitchers throw a baseball, or with the consistent explosion, but I'd still tread very carefully here.
  3. If you watched this game and concluded that tyrod is the problem, then you don't understand football.
  4. This has been a shyte game. We have done everything wrong twice. My takeaway is that tyrod needs the freedom to audible
  5. Taylor has always put up good stats with healthy, legit receivers. He has been all right with the arena league all-star wr corp we have run out over half the time the last couple years.
  6. I definitely would not watch the NFL if not for the Bills. Stupidest major sport in the world.
  7. Hochuli loves being integral part of game. Joe west of NFL refs. Disgusting
  8. Was ready to be drunk and bitter. Instead became drunk and infused with mirth.
  9. Drop a hundred !@#$ing bucks on booze and food to go out and see this horseahit
  10. Cheers man! And thanks to everyone for the info! Pullanos is 20 minutes from my hotel. We have a winner!
  11. Toiling in instructional league until 11/8, looking for a bar I can uber to on the cheap to watch the next few games!
  12. Ha. Seriously 3-2. Save the complaining for when/if we actually finish 7-9
  13. Taylor has been quite good when he has decent receivers playing. Simple fact.
  14. What an incredible, evil bint. Stupid guy, yes, obviously. But what sort of cruel streak does the chick have to have to blast the guy's life apart?
  15. Players seem to like Taylor. Otherwise, I don't see why Peterman doesn't get a shot.
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