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Everything posted by billsintaiwan

  1. I'm telling you, Rosen is the second coming of rob johnson. His career will be nasty, brutish, and short. Allen looks big and dumb. Vaguely rothlesbergerian
  2. That is a deep deep crimson flag. Bon bloody Jovi. Can't trust people who identify with trite angsty music.
  3. Have there been any Josh Rosen - Rob Johnson comps? There should be. Also some Mayfield-Flutie on steroids comps. That is a compliment to Mayfield
  4. Just not a good qb. Maybe if you build a very specific offense, then ok. There is also some baggage, IMO, regarding the race thing. Black QBs being held to a higher standard. I offer no opinion on that, but the guy completely deserved to be benched when he was. It was unfortunate that our backup stb in a spectacular manner.
  5. I thought the lone bright spot in the playoff loss was that it was the indisputable end of Tyrod in Buffalo. I'd rather have Steve deberg, if he is still with us. Or Vinny testeverde. Or don strock.
  6. Only good thing about this super bowl is that one of my two least favorite fan-bases will be disappointed. That said, go eagles.
  7. Best pitcher I grew up with separated his shoulder returning a punt on the freshman HS football team. Baseball was done, as was basketball. Shoulder would always pop occasionally. Does to this day. I get that kids want to play football, but it is a brutal sport that can end athletic careers early. I second your hope for the golf team!
  8. This entire thread must have been started by a young'un. Ridiculous.
  9. I do not remember Bills fan defending OJ. I once got thrown out of Annacone's after an impassioned speech at the bar in defence of O.J. that led to a fight between patrons who I was able to sway and those who stood firm. The bartender, who was a bit of a twat, threw me out instead of any of the people who throwing drunken haymakers. But the point is that not a single person out of a dozen (white, like me) patrons, all of whom were Bills fans, thought O.J. was innocent. I got maybe five to agree that he shouldn't be found guilty.
  10. Philly and Boston. At least one fan base I hate will be sad.
  11. https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10156128914899669&id=519944668&set=a.10150564232699669.430931.519944668&source=48
  12. Way before. I have never liked Bon Jovi, but my full hatred bloomed in Taiwan where every young Taiwanese musician who wants to do an English song does "it's my life", a horrible angsty teenager song written and performed by bon Jovi, a forty or fifty or whatever year-old. I tried to upload a pic of the sign, but it appears to be too large of a file
  13. I have had a sign up in my restaurant/bar for years banning musicians from playing Bon Jovi. Have no idea why he is so popular in Taiwan.
  14. I don't mean to praise Marrone at all. It is just that Rex Ryan is, without a doubt, my least favorite Bills coach of all time. Worse than Hank Bullough, who was around when I old enough to have some idea of good and bad coaching.
  15. And his quitting led to the Rex Years. Wasted football years.
  16. The Ryan years followed marrone. I'd keep Hank bullough if it meant not having to go through the experience of watching a rex Ryan coached team.
  17. Vikings. Have a lot off good friends from the area, know five minnesotans in Taiwan, couple more in Hawaii...good folks as a rule
  18. If they take away the Tolbert option, Dennison might be fine. Though it is also possible that dimarco will find a strange, new, silly role in the offense. I blame the ghost of Tom rathman
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