Oh wow dude, I totally forgot this was only his 2nd year. Sometimes and this may sound totally weird I get Madden and reality mixed up. I'm in year 2008 of franchise mode with the Bills.
I swear I'm a devoted fan but I also get "maddenized" and totally lose track of reality.
Every year we hear about how good Lionel does in training camp and every year he ends up 3rd string.
He deserves a chance to at least get some real game reps, it's about time.
Seriously you guys should not give him a hard time, after smoking an eight ball with Maurice Clarett you'd be bound to do something stupid like this too.
Poor taste Poor shmaste. I scoff at thee.
I definitely can see how Gibson's weight is an issue but if he plays well and shows some motivation then he should at least provide some depth.
"Get in my belly"
It's completely whacked. All Rookies should have a set salary for 1 year with incentives. Prove yourself in the NFL then get your $$$.
I wonder where Huff and Whitner will rank in comparison to the rest of the starting safeties in the NFL.
Pure BS.
I completely agree. Getting rid of the dead weight veterans was a great 1st move.
Sent a message that if you want to be on this team you better produce or at least try your a$$ off.
I think it may have something to do with a slightly better offensive line.
Last year's line did not bode well for him, granted I think it's got to be tougher as an O-lineman to block for a mobile quarterback that tends to have some unpredictability.
This line seems different, I have a feeling that while this isn't a line of pro-bowlers I think cohesiveness will be more apparent this year in games.
After Super Bowl 25. I don't really know why I became a Bills fan. I think it's because I'm from the southern tier and I don't consider the Giants or Jets true NY teams.
The Buffalo Bills are actually a capitalist front for the communist regime of Cuba.
It won't be the Los Angeles Bills as some predict, it'll be the Guantanamo Bills.
I hope he's okay too, I'd hate to have to change my rather clever username.
Seriously though, he's the shining star of this team. Quietly productive, good attitude, keeps his mouth shut and gets the job done.
Dude, you rule.
I wish they made a clickable smiley that indicated someone with severe genetic defects, I would have clicked the sh&t out of it for this one.
You know, part of me wonders as crazy as that sounds if it may be the best way to go.
1st round talent is often drama obsessed me me me type players (excluding Lee Evans, I worship him) that gripe for so much money and then end up sucking.