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Everything posted by generaLee83

  1. It seems with all the positions in professional football there is usually a generally accepted amount of "development time" before an impact can be made by a new player in that particular position. (a starter of course) You seem to hear that it takes 3 years for a WR, 3 years for OL positions, 3-5 years for a QB (agggghhhh), etc. etc. etc. Of course there are those 1 in a million players that impact immediately. My question is what are some "development time" numbers for the SS position as in Donte Whitner. I'm not looking to get the criticism flowing here, just want to know what we should expect for his 1st year. What SS's in the past have impacted immediately.
  2. The white zone is for immediate loading and unloading of passengers, there is no stopping in the white zone. The red zone is for immediate loading and unloading of passenger, there is no stopping in the red zone. Don't start with your white zone sh_t again barbara. We all know what this is about, you want me to have an abortion.
  3. I sometimes wonder if these boards aren't grazed upon by some members of BB (not necessarily players) to seek out opinions and fan levels. (not that any of us are coaches but we do seem to represent the die-hards who actually like to think a bit about the team)
  4. You make a very good point. MM did get alot of adversity thrown his way last season and he probably was the guy at the bottom of the hill that all the sh_t rolled down on. Donahoe was definitely the brains (or lack thereof) behind the operation and I think he was constantly using band-aids to address major wounds. (i.e. his constant aquisition of aging veterans who were 85% through their careers) and his complete inattention to drafting a good O-line. My big beef with Mularkey (and so it seems everyone elses too) was his playcalling. It's like the guy was comfortable with a 10 point lead and went into conservative mode to hold a lead. While I don't believe that it is acceptable to run the score up I certainly think it's okay to pass the ball even if you're up by 14 points. I will say for TD that aquiring Fletcher, Spikes and Milloy (his 1st 2 years here were good) were not bad moves at all. It just seemed that he loved high profile yet spent veterans (no reference to Spikes or Fletcher) . I've always loved to watch things get built from scratch and I truly believe that Marv and company adhere to the same principal, although part of their dynasty is in place with McGahee, Evans and possibly Losman (no hate to him on my behalf he just hasn't had the chance yet) and some other soon to be great players. This is one of the more impressive threads I've seen going on this board lately.
  5. Hey, are you "Kelly the Fair and Balanced Dog's" close relative or something? Possible romantic interest? Good post by the way. BS has decreased by about 99% with Levy and company. I think it's because Levy doesn't hold the perception that the fans are dumb idiots who will believe whatever they're told. Jauron is also quite astute with his statements and observations. He seems to be aware of how ambiguous certain things can sound and he usually stifles the curiosity with statements like "there's not much to read into here" or "you can read what you want into it but I don't see a reason to". I attribute Jauron's realistic approach to the fact that he was probably born with a fully functioning brain unlike Mike "the inept botard" Mularkey.
  6. Great article. Has been my favorite player for the last 3 years and I'm sure that will not change. Every interview you see with him he is humble and modest in ways that most of us could only dream about. Truly exemplifies the meaning of character. I hope he retires a Bill. http://www.democratandchronicle.com/apps/p...S0102/608220313
  7. They could name it "The Bowl of Mediocrity" or "The Erie County Shi_ter" Just for fun, I'm not a hater.
  8. Are you serious? That turd is still getting penalized all the time? What a turd.
  9. I really like that idea. While I don't think JP could consistently run the "K-Gun" until he gets more experience I think it would be effective to bring out the no-huddle on an almost random basis. How often are teams expecting the offense to run no huddle for 5 or 6 plays in the middle of a 10 play drive late in the 1st quarter? JP seems to play well when it's used, he seems to be a faster paced type of general on the field. (which of course is as much bad as it is good) I totally agree with you about Nall and JP being the top 2. While I don't hold KH responsible for all that's wrong with the world I do think that he has an arm that could use some Viagra. An erectile-dysfunction laden arm will not work in this offense. Fairchild has said this and that about this not being a pass-heavy team but the pre-season seems to slightly indicate the opposite.
  10. They should all morph into one receiver known as Roscoe the Priceless Reedtard.
  11. Have you played it yet and if so on which platform? I'm a Madden-PC gamer myself. You wouldn't believe how you can tweak out the graphics. Of course the PC version of Madden 07 will release sometime in the late fall of 2011.
  12. An even more hilarious scenario would a Buffalo win with a complete ESPN denial. Kind of like election 2000. "CBS reports a 30-17 Buffalo Bills victory over the New England Patriots on opening day while FOX news is not calling a winner at this time and believes that it a determination is weeks away. Famed sports network ESPN denies that a team still exists in Buffalo let alone would such team be able to defeat the New England Jesus's." "Lifetime continues to show continual re-runs of it's self rated 5 star release "Man-Hater-Clam Stuffer: The Rosie O'Donnell story"
  13. Now I'm sorry but that is downright hilarious and strangely ironic after I just complemented him for the first time in my life in another post. Sounds like some special olympics sh_t if you ask me.
  14. This is just a stupid informal survey. I get the "limited' version of cable TV, so no NFL network or ESPN and I'm not going to watch the local news (Southern Tier) to catch up on the games. So my question is, how many others like me are forced to watch the game in "text format" courtesy of the always special NFL.com. It reallly is quite pathetic and I'm ashamed to speak of it.
  15. I'v never really commented on the QB battle as I'm not at camp everyday to observe the players. At first I really thought Nall was going to achieve "tool" status however just from what I read and what others had stated. He has surprised me greatly and I'm anxious to see what he'll be capable of against the Browns. No offense to Holcomb but if you don't have an arm it seems that you are not fit for this offense Of course I couldn't see or hear the game, I had to "read" it on nfl.com but other posters have stated that he appeared quite poised and leader-like.
  16. Whoa dude. Moron? Are you serious? 3/4 of my thread was supposed to taken as funny. I do think that Lindell sucks as a kicker. He is certainly not even closed to being "elite". I didn't mean to insult your boyfriend though, sorry bout that.
  17. Very good question. I myself have no idea but hope whoever steps up they at least play consistently. What's the escalation in the Price debacle? I thought he missed practice due to a brain fart.
  18. ESPN would attribute any bad play by NE to injuries/sickness or just a "bad day cause every team has one every now and then". "NE played without key players" blah blah blah blah "The Bills capitalize on an off day for NE" blah blah blah blah No credit for the Bills, even when they went on a 9 game tear two years ago it was seldomly mentioned or it was thought that they had a weak schedule. Anymore, Fu_k ESPN.
  19. I'm glad to hear it but where did you hear this from?
  20. http://www.preventdelinquency.org/child-threat.php There's a link. My career is in law enforcement and at every gang seminar I have ever been to he (DMX) has been referenced as a member of the Bloods. I'm not sure if you know or not but the Bloods are one of the most ruthless street gangs in the country/world. Their criminal ties run deep and the victims of their crimes are often random. (i.e. the victim did not know the perpetrator). It's usually not some mom and pop sh_t. Anyone who thinks that it's okay for people to fantasize/lyricise about murder/robbery/drug dealing etc. is ALSO PART OF THE PROBLEM. I do have a problem with violent rap music or anything that promotes violence altogether. I believe in free speech but not when it encourages/idolizes extremely dangerous activity. I have listened my fair share of rap music in my day (particularly older school stuff, Public Enemy, tribe called quest etc). Rap music has lost it's non-violent, pacifistically subversive and socially aware position because of idiots like DMX. Credibility gets killed when all that gets spoken about is crime and womanizing. If a problem is perceived then address it, don't add to it while diminishing others perspectives of yourself. And I do agree that there is a multitude of other problems that need to be dealt with but quite often I find that certain rappers whine and complain about "the system" but then do nothing constructive to promote change. My original response was rash. You can't answer hate with more hate, it all explodes eventually and then threads like this end up on a message board that is supposed to be for discussion of a certain professional sports team that I almost forgot about.
  21. You know what dude, it might as well have said that in the lyrics. DMX has certainly used the phrase "nigga" and "B word" in his lyrics before. And also not to mention it is well known that he's a high ranking member of the bloods, so FU_K him in his ear. More people need to dislike folks like him, actually more people should hate folks like him. He will never be part of the solution, he will ALWAYS exist as the problem.
  22. Dude, good idea for the insurance but "keep Lindell fresh"? Is his job that physically demanding that we need to build depth at that position? I maintaint that he sucks and always will. There are some games where I'd just rather not have a kicker on the roster. Everyone claims he's so "accurate" and whatnot. He's a solid kicker from 40 yards or less but it seems that besides this preseason he rarely is brought in to attempt any long kicks. (45 yards +) And his look just doesn't sit right with me.
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