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Everything posted by generaLee83

  1. I have never seen this board more in agreement with eachother than I have over the last 3 weeks.
  2. lol, I never remembered it until you posted it. He doesn't even turn his head when he looks at the scoreboard, it's honestly as if he's checking to see if it's looking back at him or maybe even has gone away and he doesn't have to worry anymore. Dick Jauron is king in the land of no score boards.
  3. Dick Jauron didn't kill 6,000,000 jews in the 1940's
  4. Why would anyone want to attend a gang rape?
  5. Agreed, 100% Sadly I think that if Schobel is healthy he plays every down this season. Dick loves him some veteran. I can also see Dick playing Kelsay a lot given his "captain" status. Dick missed the boat on Greer, Fred Jackson, Steve Johnson (should have been playing #2 WR near the halfway mark last season) and I see no reason for him to stop now.
  6. Doesn't it concern you one bit that the Bills first team offense has not scored a single touchdown in 4 games? Doesn't it concern you that Jauron came out at the presser and stated that there is reason to worry? Preseason means nothing to elite teams with a solid foundation (1990's Bills), for a thrice consecutive 7-9 team, preseason is when strides can be made.
  7. First, your avatar just made me poop myself. Second, I'll take your idea a bit further and suggest that Buffalo's WR's all change their numbers to be in the 30's or 40's (typical halfback numbers) and then maybe Trent can be tricked into "checking down" when in reality he is throwing the ball past the line of scrimmage.
  8. Hey DieHard I didn't want to quote your entire post for redundancy's sake, very solid. In the last month there is a plethora of reasons to feel complete disgust with this team. First you have the whole 3-4 defense and failure to practice against it debacle. Then you have the information come out that the coaches aren't encouraging press coverage by our DB's. For this entire preseason we have a QB who is playing like a gigantic, scared bumbling retard. And now you have evidence of players laughing in the locker room right around the time that the coach is saying there is real reason to be concerned with the team. Every single angering reason comes right down to coaching and nothing else. This franchise is dying a slow painful death.
  9. Nicely put. It solidifies even more the notion that the Bill's players love playing for Jauron. Who wouldn't love playing for him? Zero and I mean zero accountability. I hope Jauron drives this short bus of a season right into a deep lake.
  10. If it's possibly leaning in this direction then Buffalo should package Whitner up and trade him before the season starts. I believe Cleveland is in need of a safety.
  11. Yes we the fans are certainly responsible for the consistently horrible play of Buffalo's QB's. I for one am not delusional enough to think that my complaining and bitcching on this board has any effect on the personel moves of this team.
  12. hahahah, good sarcasm. Dick Jauron is hiding his hand!!!!
  13. Thanks so much for simplifying things. And to think all along I thought that JP Losman sucked because he took too many sacks, made regularly horrible throws, only looked for the deep ball, locked on Evans, failed to read defenses and was just plain dumb. Also I was thinking that maybe Trent sucked because he also failed to read defenses, held the ball too long, checked down when there were wide open receivers (that's the O line's fault right?), fumbled when hit, called horrible plays in the no-huddle and was just plain dumb. Thanks so much for clarifying.
  14. Um, yeah. The QB's are calling the plays. How about Edwards is shown the pine, not even a single touchdown in 4 games.
  15. That link cracked me up, nice.
  16. Ryan Fitzpatrick has a far better grasp on the offense and gives this team the best chance to win. The Buffalo Bills have an arguably top 5 receiving corps and it is looking like things will go down as the worst travesty in offensive history as long as labia-hands Trent is given control over play calling. To not utilize T.O. and Evans will be one of the greatest football sins ever committed. Bench Trent, start Fitzpatrick.
  17. Continuity is an interesting concept when applied to Buffalo. Buffalo continues to lose and yet continue to keep the same coaches. All this occurs while fans continue to throw piles of money at the team in the form of ticket and memorabilia purchases. Why would anyone near the top of the organization see a problem? People, stop spending money on this team, this is the only way your message of disgust will be delivered.
  18. This is his 3rd season and he has taken a very obvious step backwards. Weak arm mixed with complete reliance on the check down receiver. BUST
  19. How does this assshole keep finding work in the NFL? It's amazing how in the end Buffalo will be close to a decade late in realizing what a hack Jauron is. Other teams must be laughing at this train wreck, I sure am.
  20. Jauron doesn't fukk kids. I still hate him like he does though.
  21. What makes you and everyone else on this board think that there is no gameplan? Have any of the coaches/players come out and admitted this? If your notion was actually true I would think Jauron would be throwing the "no gameplan" excuse out every single week for the last month or so.
  22. I completely agree. A TO problem mixed with an 0-4 start only shortens Dickface's stay as coach.
  23. This is a 4 win team at best. You are in denial of how terrible this offense is going to be. BTW, fix your stupid title.
  24. Buffalo's lack of physicality at the corner position and lack of press in the game plan is a dream for a receiver like Moss. Moss is what 6'5" or 6'4" going up against 5'10" guys who barely break 190 and refuse to play tough up on the line. I have never understood the obsession with having a defense full of tiny undersized yet fast players, it's like being a swarm of gnats for opposing players.
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