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Posts posted by Patience

  1. There are two serious groups that will be ready to purchase the Buffalo Bills when the proper time comes - one of them not affiliated with Jim Kelly. Both possess the necessary funds to purchase the team. Both of them fully intend to keep the Bills in Western New York. One of the groups intends to be ambitious regarding a new stadium, which they want closer to the U.S.-Canada border. The third group has a casual interest in purchasing the team, also with intentions to keep the team in Buffalo.



    There are no talks between Banner and the Bills. Won't happen.

  2. Without clicking on the link the two most famous voices for NFL films were John Facenda and the recently late Harry Kallas.


    Bflo's own Jeff(erson) Kaye also did work for NFL films and did a really good job.




    p.s.- linky no worky, RobGuy


    The video is included in post #7 of this thread.


    I know it's not Facenda. Gonna look up the other name.


    Edit: Don't think it's Kalas either, unless his voice changed quite a bit between that video and the recent one I just viewed.


    2nd edit: Jeff Kaye, that's it! Thank you!

  3. Losing Rusty Jones was brutal management on our part. Urlacher specifically thanked Rusty in his MVP interview the following year. Gregg Williams always said he was the best at his job in the NFL, and DJ gave him the onion. Fool.


    Mularkey fired him, not Jauron.

  4. I have 2 young kids, a wife that's always giving me lists, and a busy job but still find a way to soak up Bills info. Internet and smartphones are obviously a big help. And Good thing you're a Bills fan. Can't stand the Irish - i went to Michigan. How about that night game this year! :P


    Well, I was doing a great job keeping that game repressed.

  5. RobGuy - You're an idiot. First you post a rumor, then you try and substantiate it by referencing two irrelevant websites that poseted it weeks ago, but call it breaking news. Now you are slowing referencing details which imply you know exactly what's going on. If you're so sure of this story, post what you know and stand behind it. Otherwise, drop it.


    My last post in this thread:


    The link I posted fits precisely into the timeline. If you weren't lacking in reading ability, you would have noticed that I posted one link.


    Second, I have only posted what is relevant to this story.


    Third, please reference where I called it, "breaking news." I will not respond to it, I would just like to see where I said that.

  6. I appreciate where you're coming from but I'm just looking at it in terms of a "breaking" story. Whether or not substances needed to be tested does not preclude a story from being reported. Merriman getting caught with ANYTHING is big news waiting to happen. Every reporter worth his salt would be all over this in a minute. That's why it wouldn't take 17 days for a story to break.


    GO BILLS!!!


    No decent reporter will try to jump a story and get burned badly if it doesn't come to fruition.


    Imagine reporting the story only to find out that the samples taken were negative?

  7. So if I understand you correctly, you will tell us that there were two substances involved because that's important, but refuse to state what they are because that's irrelevant?


    GO BILLS!!!




    Why are they important? This is a football forum, where we care about the ramifications of a particular player being suspended because of league rules. If this was a pharmaceutical forum, I may be more inclined to oblige.

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