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Everything posted by Patience

  1. Shelvin and Slaton by a mile.
  2. Dead-on! This drives me nuts as well.
  3. This. I would support this as well.
  4. Thanks to all of you for reading and for your comments. Today was a tough one, but it actually helped to share this with someone. I'm going to try several of the suggestions in this thread. Trying to tough it out has not been a fruitful path for dealing any better with this.
  5. Today is the 2nd anniversary of my mom's death, and it's hitting me like a ton of bricks. Lost my biological father (never really knew him) a few years back, so it didn't hurt as much. I didn't expect to be without both of my parents before I hit the age of 30, but that's exactly what happened. Have had other things happen within the past couple years that definitely haven't helped (covid layoff last April, coming up on a year of unemployment), but my mom's passing has really hit hard. Any advice for getting through the death of a parent, or tough times in general? I've tried to remain tough, grind it out, and keep pushing, but it gets to the point where I feel I just have nothing left to fight for. Just kinda getting a few things off my chest here. Would appreciate any insight. Thanks for reading.
  6. This. He should've been behind bars the past 15 years. My most hated player in football.
  7. Did you read the accompanying exhibits? The first email from Marco indicates he intended to name the "new purchasers" before he knew that Tre White was that purchaser. He asked the selling agent for their identities. He always intended to name them. Then in the second email he is confirming that it is Tre White, and in that email he does confirm he intended to go to the media.
  8. https://roncroftrealty.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/175/2019/11/Contract-of-Sale-Eff.-3_01_18-1.pdf This is the standard residential real estate contract used in Erie County, and likely the one executed in this transaction. I've only ever used this one in practice.
  9. This. I have a unique perspective - I had the misfortune of working directly for this attorney (Cercone). One of the worst human beings I've ever had the "pleasure" of meeting, let alone working for.
  10. As expected. Nix is meeting with Bills' officials as we speak.
  11. I've posted sporadically about updates regarding this topic. It's difficult to say when it will be announced, but something significant has been in the works for at least the past eighteen months.
  12. Gailey is done. That decision was made before today's opening kickoff.
  13. As of right now, the chances of Nix returning are at about 50%.
  14. Gailey will be gone by mid-week. Take it to the bank. And that likely won't even be the most significant change of the off-season.
  15. Quite a few tickets on Stubhub - starting at $59.
  16. And ordering a subscription of Sports Illustrated to receive the free gifts.
  17. Potentially - waiting to hear from my sources about a certain development, but nothing as of yet.
  18. The latter, yes - but not so much because of the former.
  19. Not so much - pretty much the opposite.
  20. This was my post earlier in this thread - I believed the timing was appropriate to submit the post. Doc's assertion supports it. A lot of activity, recently.
  21. Sure. I don't really care / consider how certain information will be taken. If I have it on good authority particular information is true, I will spread it without implicating the source(s).
  22. For the quotation in your post - precisely. I'd like to avoid getting into specifics, too. I know it will be seen as a "cop-out," but I think I have provided the most important piece of information Bills' fans are seeking.
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