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Everything posted by Patience

  1. And when. I think this article is pretty significant in clarifying that aspect. Good news!
  2. What this says to me is the stadium deal is closer to being done than most realize, if not already done but just unannounced. I recall a PSE exec stating a month or two ago that a new lease won't be signed until a stadium deal is completed. I'm thinking both are announced at the same time, or least in close proximity to each other.
  3. Hate downtown, but if it's picked as the site for the stadium, I won't gripe. I won't complain about it being located anywhere in Erie County, actually. I just want my team close by.
  4. Good timing for the bye week, and for us to be facing the Phins following the bye.
  5. Last name sounds like a stand at the Broadway Market.
  6. Exactly right. A good friend of mine (yeah, one of those deals) is a member of a prominent family with a long history in NYS and local politics. I've kept in constant communication with him regarding the stadium situation. This isn't being detailed.
  7. The stadium is going to be built somewhere in Erie County whether or not this happens.
  8. Have to agree with you on your last point - preserves all the way. Need a little texture to balance out the smoothness of creamy peanut butter. Also, don't sleep on cashew butter. It's no replacement for PB on a PB&J, but it's good in a pinch.
  9. Something Dion Dawkins said in the post-game press conference sort of alleviated that concern, at least for me. I'm paraphrasing, but he said "it's a win in week five. That's all it is. It means nothing. If we were to go out and lose the rest of our games, the wins up until this point wouldn't mean anything."
  10. My goodness, this sounds amazing. I am going to have to try this. As an aside, a personal thank you to your side of the pond for introducing clotted cream to the world (at least I think England introduced it). That, along with Tiptree lemon curd on some vanilla scones served with tea is just about one of the best things ever.
  11. Anyone here ever had a Fool's Gold Loaf? Made these a few weeks ago and they were incredible. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fool's_Gold_Loaf
  12. This, right here. Also, almond butter? GTFO. It's not an AB&J.
  13. Is she under the impression that the referees should be in any team's favor?
  14. I'm really sorry to hear that. I know that pain, and it can be debilitating some days. I know it is for me. It'll be three years in February that I lost my mom. I'm thankful to still have my dad with me. If you ever need someone to talk to that can relate, always feel free to PM me.
  15. I think there are folks out there, some of whom may be viable coaching candidates, that don't hold the views espoused in Gruden's emails, and thus don't have to "hide" or be fake about gender equality, orientation equality, etc. At least, I would hope.
  16. Might have made things sort of awkward with Carl Nassib going forward.
  17. Every single game. People say it gets better with time, but a couple years later, still waiting for that to come to fruition. Hang in there.
  18. Generally, unless there's a specific need to fill or a top-talent prospect unexpectedly is available, I support building up both sides of the line. I'd be happy with addressing the interior defensive/offensive line even more.
  19. Before tonight, I've never asserted that the referees were actively attempting to steer the course of a game. That ended tonight. That was the worst I've ever seen.
  20. Completely. Wasn't at all trying to hide his favoritism for Kansas City.
  21. Wonderful news! Great job getting this done.
  22. He agreed with mine. *shrug shoulders* Edit: which may appear to bolster your point!
  23. Chiefs - 27 Bills - 16
  24. Don't forget to get singles from the ATM!
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