Man, you guys are lucky.
I was born in '90, not old enough to know what was going on.
Can you all describe to me, just how crazy Rich was back in 88-94?
I would really appreciate it!
If they bench Losman, you can bet the farm we'll take a QB with out first round pick.
I got the feeling Levy doesn't favor Losman, ever since I heard those trade rumors in the off-season.
Yeah, we know.
We all know how the Sabres are doing. I mean, it's so hard to miss when everybody mentions the Sabres, in every thread, on a Bills board.
Hot tip guys! Check out the Sabres!
Jesus H. Christ.
Same, in 2002.
Bledsoe threw it to the same spot two times in a row. The first time, Phillip dropped it.
Second play, you'd think Bledsoe would throw it somewhere else, right? Nope, Phillip picked it.