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Everything posted by jjsiepierski34

  1. Why aren't we looking at the adjustments made at halftime, or better yet, the lack thereof....? If its true what they say about the NFL, and it truly is about halftime adjustments, then we got outcoached. I love the new staff, and will give them the benefit of the doubt, yet we came out with no ingenuity whatsoever in half 2....offensively, defensively, or on ST. Damn. Had them, and let them steal ANOTHER one from us. Sadly, I consider myslelf the biggest fan on the planet; an eternal optimist regarding this team; yet I never felt "in control" of this one, and deep, down, knew they were going to come back. This organization's last 16years has created this. I hate having those pessimistic feelings rooted so deeply within and can't seem to think any other way, even though I want to so badly. The contradiction in feelings kills me. When are we going to become a team with some BALLS and blow someone the !@#$ OUT!!!!??? like good teams do? Enough about the refs, and enough about all of the extra curriculars....hey Bills, blow someone out....I dare you. Frustrated In Chicago. PS: Whitner is awesome.
  2. Bills get crushed next week due to the fact that Saban has 2 extra days to prepare. I am an optimist, yet happen to be a realist. We're improved, but not that good. 7-9. GO BILLS!
  3. PK is a moron. F this guy. GO BILLS!!!
  4. From what I am surmizing, evidently, Thurman Thomas is going to make a one-game Bills comeback, and then as the defenders of the Patriots "look up," he is going to toss bromine in their eyes....? Whatever works....In Marv We Trust. Go Bills!!
  5. To clarify: bromide  –noun 1. Chemistry. a. a salt of hydrobromic acid consisting of two elements, one of which is bromine, as sodium bromide, NaBr. b. a compound containing bromine, as methyl bromide. 2. Pharmacology. potassium bromide, known to produce central nervous system depression, formerly used as a sedative. 3. a platitude or trite saying. 4. a person who is platitudinous and boring. bromine  –noun Chemistry an element that is a dark-reddish, fuming, toxic liquid and a member of the halogen family: obtained from natural brines and ocean water, and used chiefly in the manufacture of gasoline antiknock compounds, pharmaceuticals, and dyes GO BILLS!
  6. I had to look up the term "Bromide." I then found out that it refers to a "platitude" saying; thus I had to look up the word "platitude." Platitude, means flat, or dull. The fact that I had to look up the meaning of the meaning of Marv's everyday terminology makes me love him that much more. GO BILLS!
  7. Well, I just saw that they have a "Peter King" challenge on CNNSI.com for those of us that believe that "we can out-pick Peter." I may as well take him on and pulverize him, rather than sit here on a chat board and berate him from a far. I still hate his Bills' bashing, but what else to expect from a Pats fan I guess? GO BILLS!
  8. I am not a Peter King fan. I do believe that he does well on Inside The NFL, but other than that, I think his "scoops" are baseless and unfounded; like the rest of us on this board believe. Anyhow, has anyone ever taken his Thursday CNNSI prediction picks, and tested them against the lines in Vegas, or even tested them in a straight up win or lose scenario? I'd be interested in seeing this joker's numbers, and hold him accountable for once. BTW, I can't stand his Bills' bashing. So lame. GO BILLS!!!
  9. LOL General Lee...I don't mean to bring the Bible into this (JOKE) but in a weird way, that was my point! Lets not make this a love fest! F Dona jiggy, and F Mularkey, but they indeed left us with a gunslingin kid who loves to be here, and just bought a home in downtonw B Lo...this kid may be a bit west coast, but he's no RJ...he wants to make it happen and I commend him for that! He's got spunk, and I will tell you this, if he makes it happen in Buffalo, he's gonna be the man in my hometown! And good for him I say! He's a gunslinger! He's fun to watch! And I will be at the Chicago/Bills bar (Delilah's) cheerin him on til the final whistle because we found a kid who actually wanted to move to Buffalo (of course after contractual obligations, and the fact we made him a millionaire), but this kid came, he tried to engrain himself, and he's tryin to instill some pride in his job and where its at! I thinks thats cool. Pretty damn cool! He's becoming coachable. He's improving. His teammates are following him more and more, and the kid is growin up...he's becoming a leader. I hope it turns out, cause in my mnd, love him or hate him, JP Losman has been nothin but class throughout this entire thing....period. And last year, I was a Holcombe guy....go figure. JP brothers.
  10. I did go there, and the reason was is because Turk and AVP played in the league man. Do you know what that means? Do you know how f_ckin good they had to be to get there? I am not baggin on Fairchild, cause I think he's dope as hell, but I think some of us forget, that some of our "sophomore" coaches teachin quality control, and QB's MADE IT TO THE LEAGUE!!!!! THE NFL! I mean, c'mon, they made it to the league. Do you know how good you need to be to get there? I don't care how many years Fairchild coached QB's at Costa Mesa or wherever....we're talkin 2 dudes that played QB in the NFL for years on end....do you honestly believe he knows more about the position than they do? Other than President, its the most celebrated, visable, competitive job in the United States Of America....if they break wind, we all know about it. Turk Shonnert, and AVP did it for years on end for a LONG period of time...there's no way Steve Fairchild knows more about the position than they do...not a chance. Thats my point. Otherwise, why would Sam Wyche have been millin around last year, he's the same case in point. JP credits Wyche for all his developemnt. The position coaches never get looked at for credit.
  11. I agree, but this talk of systems, and things being "systemic" is way over-blown in in my mind. The whole game is systemic, and each position is a part of that. To look at Mike Shanahan in Denver and say that anyone in his "system," or his running backs' success over the past years are all "systemic" is ignorant. The man can coach! His position coahes can coach! They have a beast of an O Line which is obviously the foundation! Thats not a system!!! That's how football is won. Its more of an equation! Mc Nally will turn our O Line around b/c he's an awesome coach. One of the 1st things Levy/Jauron did was upgrade their coaching staff from "coaches" to "teachers." These kids need to still be taught! They're being taught....especially JP! Its obvious. We're improving because the foundations at each position are in place from a TEACHING standpoint. While being taught fundamentally, they are also being pushed, and challenged; nothing being promised....competition breeds the best in the true competitor! They are learning who really wants to put their balls on the chopping block, and compete to win the playin time! LOVE IT! NOW, the beauty about Levy, is he understans that, yet he's not ignorant enough to ignore that if you dont have the horses, you aint winnin the race. So he's doing the happy medium. He is upgrading talent, while surrounding that green talent (no surprise he's going after young people with potential) with superior teaching. He has stabalized the organization. In one FRIGGIN year! Amazing! Don't get me wrong, I believe we're 7-9 this year, at best 8-8...but no one wants to play us second half because he's got good kids, ready to work, wantin to get better, and that are good citizens, wanting to kick butt....its gonna work...and in this day and age...it may work in as little as 3 years with the salary cap structure the way it is....Marv knows that. GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!! PS: I'm drunk! Haha. Bills til I die.
  12. Well if we're throwin out kudos to all, we might as well throw out kudos to Don-a-gay for drafting him, Mularkey for screwing up his mind, and then, lets give Mike Martz some credit for giving Fairchild the infinite wisdom to put JP on the path from a systemic point of view...I mean, where does it end? Hell, let's give Van Miller some credit for being so optimistic all these years! Fact is, these position coaches eat, sleep, and breath with these kids at the given position. The Coordinators are like upper-level Mangers, and they manage on a macro level. They don't hammer out mechanics play after play, day after day, minute by minute like the position coach. The position coach, and in this case, the off control coach, need to be commended on the progress of these QB's picking up this new system so quickly, while mistakes are decreasing. Fairchild coached RB's when he was here the 1st go-round...you think he knows more about the QB position than Turk, or AVP? If you do, give me a shot of that crown you're drinkin, and I have some oceanfront property in Phoenix I need to tell ya about. Here's to Turk and AVP.
  13. 3 penalties from the Bills, are you kidding me? The Buffalo Bills? Jauron is THE MAN. I live in Chicago. The man was done entirely wrong here. We stole that guy. He is a young Marv Levy. Same background, demeanor, record (when they arrived in B-Lo), players all love him same way....astounding, the similarities; and I am not even going to hit on the Ivy League crap, or quoting war generals...yada yada Every player you hear quoted speaks like they absolutely love the guy and that is going to help us in free agency in the long run down the road! No penalties is all him. Now, if he can come here and pluck Rusty Jones from Chi-town and get him back in Buffalo, the guy will then be a demi-god.
  14. Well, either, or, either way, whatever who cares, cheers to both of them...numbers like that....outstanding! Turk was a career back-up too, correct? Maybe for Seattle if my mind doesn't escape me? Funny how these career back-ups become good coaches....i.e. Kubiak as well! Well, he will be a good one in my mind....unproven at this point, but still interesting.
  15. Hey, you laugh, I say good idea, I just picked Romo up, if nothing else, to keep him from anyone else in the league in case he blows up (I already have Bulger, and Brees, and had an extra spot collecting dust).
  16. Outstanding post! Had never thought of this, but you nailed it. I agree 100%. Go Bills!
  17. Stamer, 2nd best special teamer on the team, and Marv was just quoted as saying his Redskins team in '72 made the playoffs on the strength of that teams' special teams....See article below: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/football/...port/bills.html Stamer makes the team in my mind, with ease.
  18. Leinert's arm strength isn't there for games in Ralph with swirling winds in Nov, and Dec. Cutler's mechanics are worse than Losman's. Losman is our guy. To quote Bill Polian, "and if you don't like it....get outta town!"
  19. Yeah, but "Jerious?" C'mon. What kinda name is that? Horrible! Its like the name "Jeremetrius." My name is Jeremy, so I would say "Jeremetrius" is a combo of "jeremy" and "demetrius." Hilarious combo!
  20. I will take 8-8....9-7, as the most optimistic Bills fan on the planet (that's me!), but 11-5....wow, that's "out-kicking the coverage" when it comes to optimism! I love it! Kudos.
  21. WOW. Normally I just laugh aloud at the moronic posts whenever they do come up, but this one takes the cake, so I had to respond. How are you questioning Marv at this stage in the game after the moves he's made? The two guys he's gotten rid of that you reference (Moulds and Adams) were cancerous! They had run their course! They didn't want to be on the team!? How much simpler do those moves get? They DID NOT want to play on the team. Do you want to keep them regardless? He picked Whitner because that was the guy they wanted. Period. They got the guy they wanted, and they got the best D Lineman avail at 22. What's wrong with that? Who cares if they reached. They got the guy they wanted. They had a startegy and they adhered to it. Besides, Baltimore wanted him at 12, and St. Louis wanted Whitner at 15. They've publically said so. Whitner will sign. I think it's bad on both parts for him to not be in camp at this point b/c 1st round money is slotted, so there's not much room for negotiations. So that point, I give you, but it takes two to tango and Marv's stickin to his guns...give him some credit for playing hard ball, while realizing that he doesn't negotiate contracts...Overdorf does it. I'm just curious on how you question Marv after 60 yrs of experience. Did he become inept over night? Doubt it. Same thing I tell people here in Chicago when they tease me for having Jauron as our coach. They guy won coach of the year one year in 2001 as the Bears coach. Did he become a bad coach over night and forget how to coach after he won that award? Doubt that too.... Have faith in the system. Marv wants to win as bad as we do. Fact is, he's having to clean up a lot of dog sh_t left behind by the inept former regime. All beginning with the horrific move to let Rusty Jones come here to Chicago. Spelled the beginning of the end for Mularkey, and friends. Go Bills!
  22. Hey, I'm a Bills fan to the death, therefore I hate the Pats (not as much as the Dolphins) with a passion, but ya gotta give the guy credit where credit is due for that ESPN "My Wish" segment. That wasn't all fluff. He gave that kid a nice day, for sure! I thought that was pretty cool.
  23. Get your body fat down to his percentage, and then lose 13 lbs...then you can tell us all how easy you think it is. This guy is going to have 100's of carries over the course of a 16 week schedule. That's a lot of hits from 240LB LB's, and 300LB D lineman. Its the same paradox Clinton Portis goes through every year. Which way you want him to go? Last year, everyone was calling for him to bulk up. This year, slim down. In my mind, it all comes back to Mularkey hiring his buddy, and firing Rusty Jones. The guy is the best in the business. It was one of the worst moves the Bills have ever made. I see it first hand everyday, because I live in Chicago, and the sports talk radio shows sit and praise Rusty Jones until the cows come home (which they should, b/c the Bears had the least number of injuries that they've had in years last year). Coincidence that is was Rusty's 1st year on staff...? I think not.
  24. Get off the guy's back. He's done nothing but produced while in a uniform for the Bills. So he finished poorly last year....the entire team did. His coaches epitomized toomfoolery. His O Line S*CKED. They couldn't move the ball. If he wants to live in So. Beach and drive around in a drop-top while scoping the scene, who cares....he's an early 20's millionaire from Univ of Miami...what the heck do you expect him to do....? I understand being a pro athlete/millionaire in Buffalo, NY is like signing a Faustian deal with the Devil in exchange to have your life put under a microscope, but give me a break. 13 lbs on any of these skill positions is a TON of weight. If you had body fat % south of 10%, I'd love to see how easy it would be for you to lose 13 lbs. Attitudes toward McGahee like these posts will drive him out of town. Even Bruce Smith didn't deal with this from the fans...and he was a coke-head, drunk-driving, wife-beater....but he fit into Marv's "character, integrity" scheme back then, didnt he? I am the first to admit, I cheer for these guys as if I were on the team; I don't praise these guys for their actions off the field, nor do I want my un-borns to look up to them as role models some day, but Charles Barkley's comments 10-15 yrs ago don't seem so crazy now, do they....just put the blinders on...ignorance is bliss, believe me, and its more fun that way! LOL. Their entertainers, and take them, and their job for what its worth, and what it is. Buy the $40 tickets and cheer on the guys that put on the Bills' uniforms...its that easy. When our youngsters need role models, be one yourself, or take them to Church, or have them look up to their teachers.... Go Bills, and lay off McGahee. We need a big one from him this year, and he knows it.
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