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Mike formerly from Florida

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Everything posted by Mike formerly from Florida

  1. Why, do you think all the TV timeouts, false start penalties, phantom holding calls, "touch" defensive holds, 90 second replay rules, no celebration rules, etc, etc. actually creates excitement? There is no pace or rythym to these games anymore with the constant interruptions. I'm not the crazy one to think last year's superbowl was fixed, or at the very least "favored" heavily in the Steelers favor. All you have to do is watch the game to figure that out. Besides, no refs could be that grossly incompetent. When the network pays out billions and puts the money in the owner's pocket, the networks have the control...bottom line.
  2. It's nice to hear objective bash-less reporting on the bills; rather than the espn junk that we are painfully objected to all the time.
  3. Really? Not how I remembered him. Put him on the Superbowl teams, he "might" have been as productive as Thurman. Joe C was a really, really good runningback.
  4. Yeah, Baseball want's its National Pastime trophy back. A possible subway series never hurts. Football is getting boring to watch. This is why Espn, and other media outlets only talk about a few teams, namely Dallas, Miami, Oakland, and Green Bay. I watched the football show on Espn (or at least tried to watch) spend a good 10 minutes dedicated to Terrell Owens. This is the state of things we have to deal with. If the bills don't play, I can hardly stand to watch a game (the bills are hard to watch as well). Last year's Superbowl was tragic with the all the increasing commercialism and scripted penalty calls by the refs. I'll wager 10 million dollars that if Dallas gets to the Superbowl, they'll win it no matter how much better the AFC team might be. It's already been decided by the networks.
  5. I wasn't referring to you. It was the other moron.
  6. Is there any, any possible way there will be a time we can rejoice when your body is sprawled out down in a bloody mess next to a car with a bent front bumper?
  7. You don't dismiss great players because they don't fit a "scheme." Pat may be big, but he is quick and Jauron would find a way to fit him in. You adapt to the great players, not otherwise.
  8. Keith Traylor and Vonnie Holliday are has-beens. Their meter was up a long time ago. You have no linebackers except for the Miami version of Tedy Bruschi...what'shisname.. the one married to Jason Taylor's sister. I won't even get into defensive backs. You do have an exceptional coach in Capers (that does scare me a bit). On Offense, the QB position is nothing to brag about..you have a one-kneed me-first fumblitis QB, a good RB (who doesn't), one good WR, and a solid TE to go along with your mediocre offensive line. Although your offense is stronger than your defense on paper, your new Offensive coordinator is laughable and will bring them to the level of your defense. You have a good coach, can't deny it...probably good for two wins just himself. Your team overachieved last year, got some breaks beating the bills (see your new offensive coordinator), and the Pats who were undermanned and didn't care. I don't understand why the media thinks this team has a lot of talent. They are an average team and will have an average record in third place behind the Bills as they will come back to Earth this year with the harder schedule. That is my biased and subjective opinion.
  9. I was being sarcastic...meaning I would fear anybody other than Culpepper (Joey Harrington, Ken Rosenwhtaeverhisnameis or otherwise) or another way to say it would be as long Culpepper plays, we have nothing to fear.
  10. How the hell would you know what I thought last year? Maybe I was thinking what an aszhole you are.
  11. I don't beleive the BS that Moulds is no longer an effective receiver. In my mind, he is still a top 15 receiver at the tender age of 33, and the Bills will miss him this year. His AYC has nothing to do with the fact he is older or slower. It had to do more so with the fact the Bills had a weak-armed QB in a system that did not allow Moulds to stretch the field.
  12. Stop drinking the Kool-Aid. Nothing ever happens as the media projects it. That's why I give us a chance.
  13. My goof...Randall was the qb that year...makes my argument even stronger. lol
  14. The misguided belief comes from their fans. I watched Culpepper a lot because my brother-in-law is a big Viking fan (I watch at least half their games every year). Let me tell you, he is no HOFer. You are going to be bitterly disappointed. He is a me-first player and he turns the ball over at least three times a game. He is unclutch when you need him to win a game from behind. He has stats for two reasons: Randy Moss and Cris Carter. The 15-1 season was more about them then him. The guy has no heart..do I need to go on... You're right Chris Chambers is an outstanding WR. My bad. Ronnie Brown, who's Ronnie Brown? You mean the guy who played next to Cadillac at Auburn?
  15. I see deja vu for the Dolphins. We were 9-7 two years ago when we won all our games after the second half. But, we beat as it turned out, really weak teams. The media overhyped us. Same thing with the Dolphs. No QB, No line, aging defense...not as fast. They will fall as we did.
  16. Uhh...Again, He will be in a more creative offense (at least time will tell). As we all know, he was unhappy with last year's offense as was everyone else. He's back to his playing weight from his college days. I believe we will see the McGahee explosiveness that he was drafted for with this weight reduction. And believe it or not, the knee is now legitimately 100% healed. It takes 2 full years. And as I said, he's playing for a new contract. I'm cynical by nature, call me crazy, but I think the Bills will be playing the Pats for the division. Pats have come back to the pack. I smell nine to ten wins for us. I don't believe all that media shi$ about us sucking, and the Dolphins as a real contender. I don't see what they have that we don't. Their OL sucks too.
  17. We'll win one as long as Culpepper stays on the field. It's his back-up who I fear.
  18. If he can stay away from injuries.
  19. ..Willis will have a BIG year. With the new offense and his reduced weight, I think we'll see the Miami Hurricane Willis. Oh, and there's that contract thing, too. BRING IT ON, WILLIS!
  20. Marv stated early he doesn't understand all the technicalities of the salary cap and he wasn't getting involved in that aspect. He wasn't getting involved in sales, marketing, etc. The General Manager position is a two-headed monster: Marv and Overdorf. That's why Overdorf was promoted earlier. What you and the earlier poster missed on your list is that Marv is a marvelous talent evaluator. He always had a say in the drafts when Polian and when Butler were here.
  21. The Media builds Miami up as a contender, but they are really not. They are old on defense, their offense is questionable (one TE, an offense doesn't make) and they have no quarterback. Yup. that's what I said..no quarterback. He will lose more games than win for the Dolphins. He builds up all his stats when the game is out of reach. He is not clutch. I've seen him play a lot and he stinks as stinky goes. But, they have a great coach! That I'll give them. 7-9 record, mark it.
  22. What's turf?
  23. Are you serious?
  24. How did his season go?
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