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Mike formerly from Florida

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Everything posted by Mike formerly from Florida

  1. I agree with you. Runningback is the one position that doesn't really require a lot of experience to be effective. Many rookies come in and make a big impact. Geez, just look at last year's stock.
  2. No, he's not. We need to draft a rb in the second round at the very least. I agree we should sign him. The initial poster on this thread is dead on except for his choice of Leonard as the main guy.
  3. When are we, as fans, going to learn the media will never get it. They haven't learned their lesson yet. They still mock Marv and think he is two steps behind. Very few have given him credit for last year's draft. No one has mentioned the Dockery signing. They only mention when they can take pop shots at the Bills and Marv. These guys have no insight and have not watched McGahee over the last two years. They claim the Bills "suddenly" have issues with him and are intolerant. They make fun of us for being sensitive about Toronto. One more draft..then they'll see. Marv has a big plan. Yeah sure, I'll doubt the Harvard grad who has 60 years in football and been to the Superbowl four times. Idiots!
  4. If somehow we can land Petersen, we can make the playoffs. But, then the defense will suffer because we do not have enough quality picks left when we move up to get him (our 1, 2, and next year's 1?) in the top 5.
  5. We're not drafting a defensive tackle. Okoye doesn't make sense..he plays the same position as Triplett and McCargo. Marv is banking on McCargo. We will draft a linebacker or a corner, whoever the better athlete is available. Draft the other position in the second, rb and fb in the thirds. Of course, with Marv, I could be totally wrong, and we draft Okoye.
  6. Don't bother reasoning with them. All I hear is complaints on this board...no matter what Marv does. First of all, how is it that Dillon is suddenly over the hill? 30 is old for a back, but he had dam good numbers playing part-time. I think he has one more year left in those legs especially since he will be fired up about starting with a new team. If we sign A-train, Dillon and draft say a Tony Hunt, tell me we won't get better production from this trio than we did last year? Stop bitchin'. Marv is the man!!
  7. I completely disagree. With the three backs in for visits and the eventuality one will sign, plus the Browns' signing of Lewis, Marv has increased his leverage on Willis with Baltimore completely depleted in the backfield. We are not desperate, Baltimore is. I'm betting we get a 2 and a 5.
  8. He may be 18, but he has some smarts more than some of the older negative posters on this board who knock Marv. Maybe he's just not tainted like some of us are. Walker will be fine as long as JP can see over him.
  9. Marv has played this whole runningback strategy brilliantly. First, he reveals Willis' market value to Rosenasz, then he brings in the top three runningbacks for visits of which one will get signed, leaving the other teams scarce for backs. Then he waits until Jamal Lewis is signed by the Browns (tentatively). He has artificially increased Willis' trade value by making Baltimore desperate. Brilliant! Not bad for some senile, has-been inexperienced GM. Doh! Of course Mort won't reveal this.
  10. You're wrong. We're drafting a middle linebacker..either Patrick Willis or the guy from Penn State. Both have high football IQs.
  11. Willis has nothing to do with Evan's contract extension. The Bills never intended to extend Willis' contract so what's the logic here?
  12. Willis has nothing to do with Evan's contract extension. The Bills never intended to extend Willis' contract so what's the logic here?
  13. If Welker is worth a 2 and a 4, then McGahee has to be worth a 2 and a 5 minimum.
  14. Dockery is hardly an unknown while Walker has started for a few years. We did well. Stop griping about the money and be happy we are fixing the line.
  15. We won't sign both...we'll use the extra pick to draft one. In Marv we trust!
  16. Petersen is a franchise back...he won't make it past the fifth pick. There's talk Detroit might take him since Trent Green might be interested in playing there because he has some close associations there from his St. Louis days.
  17. People like you are never satisfied no matter what Marv does. 3 fat guys? He brings in one of the better guards (statistically as well), a huge but agile tackle with a solid history (other than last year), and a versatile lunch-bucket guy, and you're complaining after 15 years of horrible line play. Go take a dive into a puddle.
  18. We're not drafting Okoye. I believe Marv is happy with our DTs. He wants attacking linebackers as he described.
  19. Sorry John, I wholeheartedly disagree. A-train is not the runner Willis is, or can be. A-train is not that fast and is a straight-line runner. Willis can move well laterally, is much faster, and has no peer with his stiff-arm. A-train brings more heart , though. What I see is one of two scenarios: We keep Willis because Marv can't get enough value for him. If we do trade Willis and get a third, then we sign EITHER Rhodes or Chris Brown and resign A-train. If we don't sign A-train, we'll draft a runningback in the second or third round (we now have an extra pick)...somebody like Tony Hunt, if he's there. Either way, we'll know soon...something has to break because we can't keep these FA backs out there too long, or they'll be gobbled up.
  20. I'm sure he'll get along with the "people" on South Beach.
  21. Why is it i find Marv is a great poker player and is two steps ahead of everyone else. Let's face it folks...for someone with no GM experience, Marv certainly has a greater plan and knows what he is doing. I'm sorry, but the very experienced Mr. Donohoe had no plan and just signed and drafted big names hoping it would fall together.
  22. a different salary cap than the rest of the league? Somebody explain to me how they can entertain and sign all of these guys? I'm mystified.
  23. Maybe Willis plus our first round pick will get us Briggs. Briggs is considered in the top 5 linebackers in the league. Willis is about the 25th runningback. Straight-up is highly unlikely.
  24. I like this thread, can you tell? I agree...keep Crowell on the outside and draft a bruising MLB like Willis and you'll have three solid LBs and a big question mark in Spikes. We can always rotate the four of them and keep them fresh especially since Crowell and Ellison are a little light.
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