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Captain Hindsight

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Posts posted by Captain Hindsight

  1. no way to know where any other NFL front office had him rated, since the Bills did not give anyone a chance to challenge their assessment.


    -same with Maybin,


    would have the same for POZ- if Lynch was gone and Marv had pulled the trigger on POZ in the 1st round.


    same with Lynch, McCargo, etc



    exactly what talent did Spiller exhibit in real NFL games that so convinces you he is a stud RB to justify the 8th pick in the draft?


    sure did not produce like that 3rd round phenom Arian Foster, or the basically undrafted LaGarret Blount

    Arian Foster was undrafted in 2009 and LaGarret Blount was undrafted too


    Not sure where you are getting 3rd round on foster

  2. A cerebral quarterback who took a no name offensive line and always had them in the correct protections so they were able to give some semblance of decent pass blocking?


    A cerebral quarterback who took a bunch of rookie wide receivers and managed to get them all on the same page?


    A cerebral quarterback who was able to make his reads quickly and get rid of the ball on time to avoid unnecessary sacks?


    Yeah. I thought so.


    Nothing against Vince Young. Certainly teams will be interested when the Titans actually release him. But Fitz did a very good job last year for us and will do so again this year.

    Before the Pittsburgh game Chan was asked if he was worried about Pitts blitz scheme. He answered "im not worried about Fitz stting up the protection so much as i am about matchups. Fitz will have us in the right spots, we just gotta win the battles"


    I think people seriously underestimate that importance. If your QB can handle all that like you know Manning and Brady do, suddenly your offense can do alot more and the coaches can focus on other things

  3. As much as fans and media want it to be true, the draft is not intended to immediate impact. The draft is where team stock themselves with players whom they feel with have the greatest longterm impact.


    As far as the player they draft in the first round needing to start immediately, that is not true. It would be great if that happened, but that is not common for the Bills. They've had very high picks in the last several years and most did not start immediately, if ever (see Spiller, Maybin, McKelvin, etc)

    How much did fans B word and moan this season about how we get no production from our rookies? There are 53 spots on that team. Call me crazy but they should each have a role and should be filling that role every single day.


    Teams like the pats and the Steelers and the packers plug their rookies in and win games. In Buffalo we have to build up our talent and let them develop. Anyone else see a problem here?

  4. Jake Locker has a much better arm and is much more mobile than Gabbert


    This one made me laugh. Do you know that Gabbert probably runs in the 4.6 - 4.7 range maybe even faster? His arm is a rocket.


    The only thing that is the question mark with him is his ability to take snaps under center and make quick decisions in the NFL.

    Jack Locker also cant hit water if he fell out of a boat



    I dont like any of the QBs in this draft

  5. All you have to do is go back and watch the film (for when he was actually on the field) and count the number of times that the QB had to point him in the right direction. This went on all season long, not just the first couple games. I hope he's putting in some serious study time so that the team can actually use him in the way that Gailey envisioned when he was drafted.


    Here's a link

    If you do the wonderlic test with dyslexia you do pretty poorly too

  6. There has to be an interesting story surrounding this guy. Could he be that much a dick all of the time that people just cant stand him? He isnt THAT bad of a player. He's not great, but there are certainly many other players who are worse... Strange. Wonder what the "inside word" is on him.

    Hes Difficult to deal with. It cost him a job in St. Louis, Buffalo and now Miami



    Did anyone miss him once we saw Urbrik in action?





    I think I got your point, you are focused on next year. You want a player who is ready to play so the Bills get an edge next year. Next year shouldn't be the organizational focus, the next 10 years should be. Lil' Donte was ready to go. Marshawn Lynch was ready to go. Poz was ready to go. Sometimes ready to go is actually just the low hanging fruit.

    Fairley doesnt have upside? Darius? Quinn?


    Remember that last game breaker we drafted real high in the first round? All of sudden he wasnt the best player on the field and he looked pretty average and largely ineffective. How is the one read QB going to walk in here and make our team better? Sell some jerseys?


    There are many ways to build a team. The steelers had their whole team buitl and plugged in Big Ben and have appeared in 3 super bowls since.


    There are two many red flags on Newton. I dont trust his maturity, i dont trust his family influences and i dont like the system he came from. He is too big a risk for our franchise. If we select him and were wrong, that sets this team back another ten years. Its not like we have no QB capable of starting a whole season on our roster. Fitz isnt the best QB to put on a uniform but we could do alot worse. If our defense would have stopped some people and made a few turnovers we would look alot better.

  8. I like how you say this like the Bills are actually competing with the Patriots at this point. If they just get that one pass rusher the division will be flipped upside down for the next decade.


    Wise-up Bills fans. The objective isn't to win one game against the Patriots. It is to build a winning organization that can string together a decade where they are competing for the division title and hopefully a Super Bowl. This team is still in the bottom quarter of the league offensively and arguably the worst team in the league defensively. If you want to see where they really stand, just check out how they finished against the Pats and Jets. Blown out.


    Additionally, finding a 3-4 DE with the teams highest draft pick in a quarter century doesn't strike me as a potentially franchise changing moment.


    Nor does drafting a 3-4 OLB with the #3 overall pick. One of the great things about the 3-4 is that it allows you to stock your defense with big players who aren't expected to rush the passer and tweeners who are. These types can be found in any round of the draft.


    Now if there were a Jake Long type OL prospect, I can buy that at #3. Ten years of pro bowl caliber play protecting the most important player on the team(QB)......that makes sense.


    If we were playing a 4-3, I could buy gambling on a Peppers/Freeney/Abraham type of talent, because you can't run a good 4-3 without one of them and they are as rare as a franchise QB. If they switch to a 4-3 or employ a "multiple front" they aren't playing to the strengths of Troup, Carrington or perhaps their most impressive draft pick last year, Arthur Moats.


    But they aren't. The Bills play a 3-4 defense and haven't had consistently good QB play in 15 years. The systems this team plans to employ and the history of futility at the QB position...IMO....dictate the Bills taking a chance on a potentially great QB if he is there at #3.

    I agree with your whole post but i think you missed my point. That we need an impact player tht is going to be on the field day 1. With the uncertainty of the CBA i think pro ready players become that much more valuable



    And Levi Brown is our developmental guy

  9. Ive only been to two NFL stadiums, Buffalo and Cinci. The Bengals stadium was nice enough, reminded me alot of the Ralph. Tailgating was fun even tho we parked under and overpass. Fans were overall pretty nice even tho we were getting beat up in the first half. Then we blew them out and suddenly my brother and I didnt have any friends anymore... :oops:

  10. Without my benefit of hindsight, If we take Newton at #3 this year, we will be talking about how we could drafted (insert player name here) to disrupt Tom Brady while Newton sat on the bench as Fitz had another solid season.


    We have a rare opportunity to draft that disruptive threat that we could have had with Haloti Ngata or Brian Orakpo. We need to take that player now. Cam Newton might be a great player someday. (Personally i don't believe the hype) But if we cant stop the run, every team with run right through us to prevent newton or any other offensive star from ever stepping on the field and making a difference.


    Defense Wins

  11. Really? I wrestled at 152 and at 160 my sophomore and junior years. My sophomore year I wrestled 3 different girls, two in exhibition and one in competition. The one girl had me by 20lbs and beat me straight up, but it taught me three things: how to deal with the embarrassment of losing to a girl (prepares you for long term relationships and marriage), that I'd never want to date a girl that outweighs me, and that when you are on the mat you take the opponent seriously, otherwise they will kick your ass. That girl that I lost to was sectionally ranked and very technical at 171. The other girls I faced were not as good, and I didn't mind walking off the mat a winner with a chub. My junior year, I wrestled another girl in exhibition, and scored a date with the girl afterwards 8-).


    Also, it is a high school match, mono e mono. Gender really doesn't matter, all that matters is can you fight.


    So, I agree with JT6P that you win and get razzed for beating a girl, but you still win and move on in the state tournament. You lose, and you take a razzing, but you move on in life, or you can toy with the girl, get her # and make the most of the situation in a few ways.


    I have many grievances with the way Title IX is applied, but if a girl wants to fight boys, she should be allowed to kick their asses or get her ass kicked. We can't protect any kid's feelings because in life you will not have such protection. Hell, I have coached female pole vaulters and sprinters that are better than most of the boys. I'm not gonna tell the girls that they have to practice separately to spare the boys' feelings. It's as simple as that. Stop contributing to the wussification of the country and let the kids play.


    /rant after typing a 15 page paper



    A guy at my H.S. wrestled a girl, lost, and walked off sporting wood. Never lived that one down. He was a tool anyway.


  12. Last season my Brother and I started something that I think is pretty fun. He went to Harvard and bought two football hats and now we chant HARVARD FOOTBALL!!!! every time Fitz makes a play. I also went to the Coe College website and bought a couple Coe College hats in honor of Fred Jackson



    Anyone else have things like this that they do?

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