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Captain Hindsight

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Everything posted by Captain Hindsight

  1. Buddy has been tremendous at finding street free agents that have helped this team immensely. Urbik, Pears, Chandler, Rhindhart has all be good contributors on this team and 3 of them are starters. He also kept our good players. Guys like Johnson and Freddy and Fitz should be our best players at this point in their career and thus they were paid and kept. 5 years ago Johnson would be a 49er, Fred would be a patriot and Fitz would be a jet
  2. Because Im an intern preparing to start grad school My father thought it was a better decison for right now too. Since he is my banker at the moment, i tend to fallow his advice Im going to be careful. I figure ill do the same thing i do with my money, always have in my head that i have 100 bucks less than I actually do. Its a great way to not overspend actually
  3. My 13 year old car was due for an inspection last month so I took it in. Not good news, looking at 2300 bucks at least to get it to pass inspection, plus brakes, a few belts and rotars were getting near the end of their life. Called my financial advisor/father and we decided it was best to get a new one. So I drove home today went to the car dealer and got myself a new silver Toyota Corolla Got a good deal on it too and got 2500 for my old car plus the college graduate discount (2 grand) I feel like a big kid now
  4. Ya Kellen Heard is gonna cost us the Super Bowl
  5. The patriots originall kept 4 QBs in 2000. The 4th stringer to start the year was none other that Tom Terrific
  6. Good for him. He ran hard.
  7. The Bengals are great at evaluating character
  8. Since we have a new D cordinator and a new scheme, he doesnt know the new D
  9. Peyton. Its not even close. When Brady is pressured he is very very human. He is lucky to have the line play he's had all his career
  10. In my best Officer Barbrady "Move along people nothing to see here"
  11. Pass. We let him go earlier in the offseason when we had 90 players on our roster, i doubt Buddy has him on his radar
  12. This just mean T jack isnt ready yet. Smith can run the wildcat and play WR. Spiller and Fred can line up outside also. I think this is the only way they could do it
  13. little surprised there but I guess his pricetag was a bit high
  14. Surprised about branch and koppen. Hoyer to an extent, they gave him a second round tender last year to keep him
  15. Its a huge distraction. Try going to work with a camera fallowing you around, for a month. On all your meetings, all your phone calls, all your practices, everywhere. Its not big deal to the people that watch it, but if a camera was fallowing you around all day, you would find it distracting
  16. Thread is still open so i am the winner
  17. Then who replaces him? Thigpen? Alot of people are going to be disappointed when Brad Smith is a Bill tomorrow
  18. This^ Am I counting on Smith to be my QB? No and I hope we never have to. Am I counting on Isaiah Green to be my starting corner? No. A guy that can play 4 positions is valuable. Think the pats thing Julian Edleman is better reciever than Jabar Gaffney? I really doubt that
  19. If our second round pick from last year doesnt remind you of Deion Sanders yet its probably time to cut him
  20. Good god no. Florence was a big play waiting to happen or a PI penalty
  21. Exactly. Who are we keeping in place of smith? Thigpen? Jarron Gilbert? I dont undertsand the hate for this guy
  22. Say goodbye to one trick pony Ruvell Marting then. Brad Smith can be a gunner too
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