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Captain Hindsight

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Everything posted by Captain Hindsight

  1. I have three monitors for work and when I was told to work from home, I went into the office to get them. F working with just one
  2. It also might not be up to the players or NFL...
  3. They look at worst case scenarios. They wont get that high because we practiced social distancing and listened to medical people
  4. Read the article posted in the beginning of this thread. People who study infectious disease say they will absolutely have to live in isolation for the season. If one person tests positive, shut it down for two weeks at a minimum That is no way to run a sports league
  5. I mean is it? Everyone is being told to stay in their homes and we can't even handle that. You think all these millionaire professional athletes, not to mention all the support staff who have families are just going to self isolate for 4 months for your entertainment? Almost 24,000 people have died in the US from this. Just under 3000 died on 9/11. We have been dumping money around the world, sending soldiers to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan to keep us safe from one 9/11 happening again. We've already had that for 8 days now and were a month into dealing with this. I want normal, I want sports too, but even talking about opening up the country or sports right now is incredibly short sighted.
  6. Why does everyone assume that having 22 grown men running around on a field, not to mention another 100 people on the sidelines, media and refs is safe for those 300 people, but having fans there too is suddenly not safe? There will be no football until we have this under control. Whether thats a vaccine, better treatment or something that someone a lot smarter than me comes up, the NFL, NFLPA will not agree to play until it is determined safe by the medical community At the end of the day, its entertainment. In a society that is a wonderful thing, but hardly essential. This is a public health emergency. Football isnt a concern, nor should it And yes I want a season to happen. I love football more than anything, but we have to be safe first
  7. Yikes. I haven't heard that but admittedly I'm not keeping up with every thing happening. My sister works in a hospital as a radiation therapist and the stories she has told me from the ICU nurses are scary. I've been trying to be a tough guy about this and still going get groceries and what not, but the more I heard from her the more I'm reluctant to go anywhere in public. We are taking advantage of instacart now and I am tipping well. As far as concerned those folks are putting their lives on the line for me and the least I can do for not only them, but the doctors, nurses and police and fire people is to rock some sweatpants and stop the spread. The sooner we all do that, the sooner we can get back to a normal world
  8. Well duh, anyone who has watched him not named PFF think hes got a chance to be special.
  9. Right now I would say no. I don't see any reason to put public health at risk for a football game. People haven mentioned that its an outdoor stadium but the concourses, bathrooms and the line to get in will be tightly packed groups of drunk people chanting the shout song. I recently read about a choir group that got together as this was just ramping up and like 45 of the 60 people got sick and 5 died. I wouldn't risk it personally and I'd like to get back to "normal" as soon as possible If we get to August and have this under control, I would go but I'm listening to the CDC before making any decision I hope you are right, but I think its more likely we look back on 2020 as "The Lost Year" I wouldnt expect us to go back to normal any time soon. The majority of the country is under strict shelter in place rules. If that stays in place, no football game is happening, certainly not with fans
  10. I'd ask for JJ Watt, but we'd probably have to take Booger of ESPNs hands too
  11. ah shoot, missed this one! My bad
  12. He actually did interview for the Browns GM job https://www.newyorkupstate.com/buffalo-bills/2017/12/cleveland_browns_reportedly_interviewed_former_bills_gm_doug_whaley_for_gm_openi.html
  13. He lost to Ryan Fitzpatrick the week prior too. To an awful Dolphins team
  14. With the lack of sports lately, the NFL has posted some classic games from the last few years. I currently have the Saints/Vikings Minneapolis Miracle on in the background and I watched the Bills/Colts snow game yesterday What games have you been watching?
  15. Lots of hate on this board for a guy who went 15-1 and won an MVP award with Ted Ginn and Philly Brown as his primary targets I'd encourage people to watch the all or nothing with the Panthers a few years ago. Definitely changed my perspective on Cam I get he wants to be a starter and frankly he should be. If Covid-19 wasnt happening right now, hed be in someones facility getting a physical and a contract
  16. My company has been furloughing people left and right. My job depends on construction happening in NYS and well, its not. I imagine I have until the end of April until I'm out of work Since this started I've been told to: Work from home, Had a call saying I was getting furloughed Got an email 5 mins later saying I wasn't being furloughed Had my pay cut 20% Told I was going to be furloughed Told I wasn't going to be furloughed Got a raise (which honestly feels wrong with half my company completely out of work) Be told our work will probably be up at the end of this month due to Covid-19 Luckily my wife is as busy as ever so we should at least one income for the foreseeable future, but damn my anxiety is killing me this month. I'm so worried about what happens at the end of all this. This isn't going to be like a light switch turning back on. This is going to be rough for years
  17. I do appreciate all the jokes, but in all honestly this is a wonderful gesture. I give him a ton of credit. I wish I had the ability and influence to do something like this in a time of crisis and I give anyone who does and delivers like this all the credit in the world
  18. Madden has tutorials on identifying coverage and stuff that can be helpful. A lot of my learning has come from my brother who is a football coach, there are plenty of good follows on twitter than can teach you a lot. Dan Orlovsky, former NFL quarterback has a twitter and he break downs film. Brian Baldinger has "Baldy's Breakdowns" that are pretty good too. Cover1 on youtube is fantastic as well! I'm sure there are some good books out there too. I know one called take you eye off the ball (something like that) is supposed to be a good read.
  19. I think the edge rusher thing has far more to do with the age of our players than the talent
  20. If the season starts on time, I will be shocked. Best case, there are no fans at the games. But as this crisis continues to escalate, its becoming less and less likely there will be "normalcy" for the remainder of the year. Major sporting events have already been cancelled into the summer including the Olympics. If this is anything like the flu, expect an uptick in cases in the fall/winter. No way are public health officials going to OK 50-70k people congregating for a football game. The NFLPA will not allow their players to play if even one guy on a team tests positive, the spread could be devastating to an organization and to the NFL in general. Look at where the highest cases are right now. NYC, New Orleans, Chicago, LA, Seattle, Michigan. Those cities include 8 teams. Thats 25% of the league. Lets assume those cities can't allow people to play games at all in their stadiums. Some of those places, including the seahawks stadium that is currently being used as a field hospital, where do those games take place? We are gonna play games in a city that doesn't have an outbreak? Its only a matter of when at this point. Each state and county in the nation has different rules of shelter in place or business as usual. So if NYS gets through this in July, but someone boards a flight from Miami and brings the virus, we could be right back to stage one. Then think about the timeline for a "cure" The estimates I've seen for a vaccine would be 12-18 months. So say they started working on this in December when it first hit China. A vaccine becomes available in December 2020 (best case) Production ramps up and distribution begins. Say that takes 2 months. Now we are in February 2021. The season is already over. I know plenty of teachers in NYS who have been advised to create lesson plans for online learning for the fall semester. Get comfortable folks, hopefully they make gamepass available for free the rest of the year, otherwise I doubt I'll watch a football game this year
  21. Had never heard this story before but its incredible! I hope we are able to hear more stories like this in the next few weeks
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