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Captain Hindsight

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Everything posted by Captain Hindsight

  1. Assuming they are able to make one, which is no guarantee. The whole thing just sucks
  2. Actually I think that was discussed, I'll see if i can find the article, but i think it was PFT
  3. Sports are for countries that did their homework. This nation collectively has failed
  4. Luckily she really could have retired at any time, I think she enjoyed it tho so thats the real loss
  5. To your first point there, for me I'm not sure its worth it. My mom is immune compromised and basically retired in the middle of the week back in March because of her health concerns (she works with kids so this is pretty warranted). So for me, to have to not see my mom for a few weeks after going to a Bills game wouldn't be worth it. This whole situation just sucks. Wear your masks, people Me too, the money is already allocated in my budget. Guess I just roll it to another account
  6. More likely to be honest. I'm optimistic but as more and more states shut down, I just dont see it happening. Cuomo will be very careful (as he should be) and I think a large gathering for a game isnt being careful
  7. Just saw this and was coming to post it. I'm not surprised given a few other teams have started to do this. Not sure how I feel right now, I'm torn on taking them up on them up on it and hoping to go to games if it is safe to go in September (although i doubt it) Hopefully we have some more time to decide.
  8. It is but most of it comes from mechanics, not unlike golfing if you are off in your motions, grip, speed, torque ect, the ball is going to move on ya. If you have good mechanics, you get more accurate. IMO Josh's accuracy is more than adequate. He just doesn't checkdown on 3rd and 18 so he has a 58% completion percentage instead of 65%. You will punt if its incomplete or only gains 10 yards. Might as well go for it
  9. I'll check again. I feel like I remember reading that but I may be mistaken EDIT: Couldnt find anything. So I may have been wrong or misheard it somewhere, my mistake
  10. How many asterisks are we at now? I've lost track
  11. Pats** offered more money IIRC
  12. I remember when Beasley signed and in his presser he said "you could see it on film" about how good JA was. I think player recognize how good he is and how talented he is. Players don't overlook him like analysts do
  13. Is Kraft friends with Elon Musk? Maybe they are developing a satellite as we speak
  14. Ok, thanks for sharing.
  15. Can you cite those sources? Honestly all those numbers seem high to me
  16. Yikes. Hope he has a quick and full recovery
  17. Bills keep charging me, but I plan on just having less to pay next year. I highly doubt I'll be going to a game this year
  18. I get that. But in a society we all have to look out for each other, its sort of the contract involved in living in a community. There are many options available right now if you do not want to wear a mask. Between instacart and food delivery and the internet, there is honestly no need to go to a store at all if you don't want to wear a mask. IMO people pushing their way into Walmart for their "freedom and liberty" are just being childish babies You want things to go back to normal? Wear the damn mask or have ***** delivered.
  19. I frankly dont see businesses especially requiring masks be worn any different than requiring shirt/shoes for service.
  20. Because it wont just be better because its October instead of September. We are averaging a 9/11 death toll every 3 days. This isnt a joke and it needs to be taken very seriously. The more news that comes out with hot spots and players in college getting sick makes me think its less and less likely the season happens at all. That absolutely sucks, but I'm preparing myself for that reality the farther into the summer we get
  21. Jason Peters comes to mind
  22. I'm more worried about it not being the NFLs call
  23. The difference is those countries got the virus under control. We have pockets of control here but we are seeing spikes all over the country. We may not have a second wave if the first doesnt end
  24. I picked Alonso and McCoy trade but Hughes shepard is probably equal. Both were excellent deals A 3rd for Tyrod was amazing. The day before that trade I told someone if we got a 5th I'd be thrilled. The 1st pick in the 3rd round for a guy we would have cut? And they paid his bonus for 3 starts
  25. The majority of players are not bad people. You implied since one guy who has been out of the league for several years was accused of a crime, no player should be allowed to protest or ask for change. You posted a straw man argument. Try harder Here is an arrest record from 2018. https://www.usatoday.com/sports/nfl/arrests/2018/all/all/ 34 arrests out of 1,696 players (53 man rosters). That is 2% 34 arrests out of 2,880 players (90 man rosters) That is 1.1% Try harder
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