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Captain Hindsight

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Everything posted by Captain Hindsight

  1. He was under Washington's insurance plan, so he went there for treatment
  2. Someone is looking for a sugar daddy....
  3. Just opted out/ refund. Gonna take a nice trip with the money instead
  4. Logic and reasoning is not welcome here! Now wheres my tinfoil hat?
  5. Leaning towards to opt out refund for me. Limited fans, I would expect no tailgating. Maybe my whole group cant go to a game together. No thanks, I'd rather use that money myself this year and come back in 2021
  6. Every team will be keeping at least 3 QBs this year. I can almost guarantee that
  7. I mean, if its 500 people, does it really matter?
  8. I mean sure, but they should be below the Saints and Seahawks for sure. If Cam is healthy, they could be good, but their skill positions leave a lot to be desired. I'd put them at 7 at the highest. I don't think even with a healthy Cam Newton, they are a top 5 team
  9. Bullet chess is very difficult. I usually do 5 min games and that can be challenging too. Chess is a really fun game. Makes you think several moves ahead. I'm sure it would help QBs process information
  10. Thats the most boring name I've heard so that makes sense
  11. Sure it is, now i need to go register some domain names
  12. He wasn't active week one. I think he may have lost some bonus over that
  13. Synder owns the trademark for the Washington Warriors.
  14. Thats fair, We havent seen anyone opting out or the NFL really giving guidelines to players yet, so I'll reserve judgement until one of those two things happen
  15. To each his own I guess. When I read that morgues are full in several states and we have to put bodies on trucks, i tend to be a little more cautious and not just resign myself to "oh well were gonna get it anyway" I firmly believe it doesn't have to be that way. I'm hardly doom and gloom either, but this isn't a broken leg were talking about here, death is a very real possibility for people that get infected. To not consider that when making decisions related to this is irresponsible IMO Players are human and employees and no matter how well many of them are compensated, they still have a right to a reasonable level of safety. With a novel virus that is spreading rapidly and killing thousands of people, any person has a right to be concerned and should be free to make the best decision for themselves and their families. If the Billionaire owners are going to not pay players their full agreed upon salaries, then the players absolutely should make a big stink about it.
  16. How much is your life worth? Your mom's life? wife? Kids? This is a situation where its not just about the player. If a guy gets covid, but is asymptomatic, visits his mother and she gets sick and dies, would that game check have been worth it? I think thats the issue with playing this year, as opposed to the other issues you outlined
  17. So the smartest and brightest universities are shutting down, in early July. This is not good news for the sports world. I'd expect more news like this soon
  18. New Zealand has ZERO cases. Don't give me this BS that we can't eradicate this. We absolutely can and are actively choosing not to because people can't be moderately inconvenienced by wearing a piece of cloth over our mouth and nose for less than an hour at wal-mart. Its embarrassing to watch
  19. Shockingly, people can change their opinions once they learn more about this situation. In January, I went out to dinner with my parents and told my parents I thought this would all blow over in a few weeks. I now believe that was incredible incorrect and I'm worried about football season being played at all this year Can you blame Diggs for being concerned though? Hell I'm worried just watching the NFLPA and NFL argue over whether meetings should be held virtually or if any preseason games should be played. This isnt a normal virus and this isnt a normal year. If you are not concerned, you are either lying or just denying what you see in front of you. Experts are doing fine. People who arent wearing masks or following the basic rules of sit in your house and watch netflix are who is screwing this up You can place blame in lots of places for how bad this has gotten. Those evil scientists are nowhere near the top. Mistakes made? Sure, but the message has been consistent. This is serious, wear a mask, social distance Odd how other countries did exactly that and are returning to mostly normal life right now and were wondering if we can have fun anytime soon or can travel to Canada
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