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Captain Hindsight

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Everything posted by Captain Hindsight

  1. Yup. His footwork is so much more improved and his body control. The first few weeks of his rookie year showed me, he was plenty accurate. He just needed to be more consistent with his motions and footwork. That said, the growth he has made is nothing short of incredible
  2. Could they spread it over two year with post June 1 designation? If they decide to be done, that might be their best play
  3. Yeah, sure blame it on the kids
  4. If they decide its time to move on and rebuild, they will take the cap hit
  5. Yeah, seems like he just doesn't get it. I remember last year for his first win, he was taking pictures with the crowd instead of going in for the final kneel down. Inexcusable IMO. You are a professional. Act like it
  6. Mineshew is a bad Fitzpatrick. How they didnt give him any competiton this year was a joke
  7. Not in the slightest. Anyone have an asterisk next to the strike year? A Patriots fan upset with the rules? I'm shocked!
  8. Death penalty is kinder
  9. Was just coming to post this. That would be severe, and basically saying this was all on the leadership for not enforcing protocols This would definitely make coaches enforce these rules a little harder
  10. I get this, but most teams are screwed if they lose their starter anyway. Why not do everything you can to prop up your starter? Its one thing if you have doubts about your guy, but if you know hes the guy just support him best you can Read a quote once when a reporter asked a Colts coach why Jim Sorgi never got any reps. "If 18 (Manning) goes down were F*****. We don't practice F*****" This is why I think if Barkley isnt back next year, its more likely that Davis Webb is the backup than some developmental guy
  11. I was hoping they would turn to him. Maybe he still getting back into shape? He was cleared for football activities in mid august. I'm sure he will get a shot soon
  12. Yeah, that should help
  13. I mean, we already played the Jets, whats the difference?
  14. I'm in favor a week suspension for repeated behavior that goes against the guidelines. We all might slip from time to time, but repeated violations should warrant some type of penalty. This board is well managed and its a credit to the mods. One of the easiest boards on the internet to read. Maybe just have a second mod review the issue and decide if the punishment is fair and to the rules presented to the board Appreciate all you guys do. Hoping I can stay off the naughty list
  15. Don't worry. Kirk is always prepared when facing pressure
  16. Its not the end of an era, but Lamar does need to be consistent throwing the ball to be successful long term. He had 35 yards at halftime. No chance to win a game if thats what you put up through the air
  17. But he didn't They traded a WR and CB for a WR and CB and draft picks. They guys they got in return were not as talented at Watkins and Darby, but its not like Beane cut them and signed some PS guy I also believe that McDermott wins a few games with the 0-16 Browns and this Jets team. Coaching matters. I think the Jets stuggled to recruit players too since their coach is an Jerk and the team wasn't very good. Why would you choose to go there if you had other options? It how you end up with Chris Hogan starting in week 4
  18. When Lamar played in Buffalo last year my take away from him was he was a tremendous athlete, Ok passer. If you are constantly winning, he will be lights out MVP. But if they get behind, it could get ugly. Last night showed that. Lamar needs to get more consistent throwing and needs to hit long passes and the sideline if he is going to continue to be successful
  19. I'm hoping that Joe Vitt is named the interim coach just to piss Greggggggg off
  20. Yeah that never made sense too me. He had good size and a good arm, but nothing eye popping talent wise Josh had bad numbers at Wyoming, but he also had a freak skill set that was worth taking a chance on. I'm not sure what Trubisky showed to warrant taking him over Watson at a minimum, much less Mahomes
  21. Surrpises 1) Josh ******* Allen is playing lights out. I expected him to better. I did not expect him to be this good 2) We have a legit offense. I'm not sure this team scores less that 24 all season 3) 3-0! Disappointments 1) Run Defense 2) Can we guard a TE? 3) Moss has been... not great
  22. Maybe we could give Star a captains hat and say its Marcel?
  23. "Darnolds two pick 6's yesterday were very catchable balls" - PFF
  24. Mineshew kept throwing this little 6 yard dump offs down 14 with 6 mins left. Some guy in my FF league keeps saying Minshew is great and if they build around him they will win the super bowl (hes not joking) I told him he's a younger Fitzpatrick and less of a gunslinger. I think last night showed exactly what I meant by that He just needs 10 feet high receivers. Clearly the receivers fault - PFF probably
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