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Captain Hindsight

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Everything posted by Captain Hindsight

  1. That actually wouldn’t shock me. They way overachieved last year. They are a good team, but if the Ravens don’t have a slew of injuries, I bet they win the North
  2. Lots of scary speculation in here. Vague statements always worry me. I hope it is nothing too serious and she is able to make a full recovery
  3. Baker was going to move regardless. Doesn’t matter if I was no suspension or 2 years. Baker and the Browns were done when he sat out week 18
  4. Dolphins are the kings of "were going to do this" This just scream Ross trying to cover himself when things go bad. We were gonna have Brady and SP but we ended up Tua and Hill instead Except in decisiveness in throwing the damn ball
  5. I’m curious why the Panthers would part with Anderson? Rhule needs to win now
  6. And they’d still need one if they had Darnold Cleveland needs to dump salary. They are better off rolling with Brisset for a year than taking in Darnold Remember last year when Darnold beat the Jets and the media was like “He’s back!” I look forward to that storyline
  7. I’m sure this 2018 first round QB will work out better for Carolina
  8. Well now I don’t know if to give the browns credit for putting that in or being dumb enough to think there wouldn’t be more cases
  9. I'm really wondering what "flashes" people see in Tua. Hes just been pretty meh to me. Like what skill is he about to unlock that is going to take him from being a low end starter to elite talent? I don't see it
  10. I'm curious what the "out" is. My understanding was the contract was pretty much fully guaranteed. I also have to wonder what Haslam would consider unacceptable number of cases. 50? 60? 70? They've already given up a lot and were willing to take on the PR nightmare at 23 cases. 24 is suddenly too many? I don't buy that
  11. If Tua just turns into a HOFer, he should be ok. Big if there
  12. I bet he is like Duke silver with a banjo
  13. I'd be surprised if Mayfield ever sets foot in the Browns facility again. To a lesser extent its whats happening with Jimmy G in SF. They decided to move on, no sense in trying to make the relationship work for what will ultimately be a short time Same thing the Bills did with Bledsoe and JP. Should the Bills have kept Bledose in case JP didnt play well? Yeah maybe, but it was decided they would be moving on so everyone parted ways. I get why Cleveland hasn't released him, but its only a matter of time. I think its more likely he spends a year as the 3rd QB, than starts for them
  14. They excused him from mandatory OTAs, I bet they do the same thing for TC
  15. The Browns mortgaged their future on this guy like 3 months ago. They are hoping this goes away as quickly as possible
  16. Watson isn’t getting cut. From what I’ve read that contract has no outs for the Browns. It’s truly an awful deal from their side. Even if he just played poorly, but this is a whole new level
  17. I’m not surprised. Dude got paid, he only agreed to go there for the money.
  18. They were a Chad Henne two yard pass away from an AFC Championship appearance 2 years ago. Now they have some serious questions marks and a black cloud over the franchise Glad they passed on Allen
  19. I doubt Watson gets banned, but I could see an indefinite suspension with a chance to reapply after a year. Gives the NFL more time to make a call and possibly extend a suspension
  20. I’d cancel my tickets. Maybe watch a game here or there but I can’t root for a guy like that. People here have mentioned Vick and at least in his case, he did a lot to try to change his old ways, spoke out against dog fighting, and really tried to turn a new leaf. I would have struggled there, but could have seen myself coming around on him Watson taking the field in Buffalo next year (as a visitor mind you) already makes me sick to my stomach.
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