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  1. This.... <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.c...UshEERvE?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Hope this worked. If not, follow the link.
  2. ".........Not that there is anything wrong with that"
  3. Kirk greatly exceeds Picard IMHO. However, vulcans were definitely better on Enterprise (re:T'Pol) once you get by the eyebrows and ears.
  4. Anything that ends in "outside the box".........that is so tired I can't wake it up.
  5. Rik Emmitt. If you know who he is and don't mind the style.
  6. Yeah, that was the response in "79.
  7. There are lots of different styles and there are drummers that use the "open-left" setup instead of the crossover. I have seen right-handed drummers set the HH close to the ride with a cabled pedal and play open-right handed. Kids will often start with the left hand open on the HH (wider stance) before the teacher "corrects" them. I think that with the traditional rock or jazz setup it is convenient (although most jazz folks use the traditional grip in lieu of the matched grip, so even that is somewhat different). It is really whatever makes you comfortable and feels smooth and natural.
  8. Interesting reply and definitely a bit narrow-minded. I share your dislike of purely commercial sound but I think we differ on the breadth of that group. I think that the Britney Spears / Mariah Carey / Beastie Boys (did I spell that right)/ Run DMC et.al are far more representative. Boston, whom I liked primarily due to the first album, really had too few releases to be considered commercial. Even if I do not favour those bands, they actually played instruments and were really musicians, for the most part. I doubt that many who criticize them could play as well as they actually can. I never run down the musicians because there are far more "artists" that do not write music, lyrics, or play anything and in my mind, they deserve the contempt. Just my 2 cents.
  9. Have to agree with that. The new government is a minority though and it is doubtful that they will survive long enough to bring any balance back to the military. Probably the only thing that I would agree with JSP about regarding the Canadian culture is that there seems to be an underlying cultural belief that if Canada plays nice all the time that everyone else will as well. Dangerous as well as wishful thinking.
  10. Damn, I was hoping to avoid this. What exactly has the US protected Canada from? Not sure that the Ruskies were planning an invasion in the North. Of course the US is willing to trade with Canada. Where else can the US replace its depleted natural resources at bargain prices due to proximity? Can the US find a better source for oil reserves? If so, it would already be in place. Canada was involved in both WW's before the US was ever officially involved. I think you have the privilege of expressing your opinions but most military people and references I have read suggest that Canada has a very good military with respect to human resources but the government has not supported the effort with funding. I would never degrade the men and women who protect the US - nor would I degrade those of any ally. That does kind of pi$$ me off, man.
  11. I think, given your rather absolute stance on any number of issues raised in the past (others might be rude enough to say "opinionated"), that yes, you might be a bit close-minded about some things. That is not to say that I too may not be as open-minded as I probably should be about specific concerns that I feel strongly about. The close-minded perspective might have been about your Canadian views as much as the Arab-Muslim connection. On the Canadian side, I feel that I can be more confident in my views because I am well-versed in the subject area.
  12. Nooooo......I don't care to tell you "again" (which I did not in the first place, by the way) about the average Arab who follows Islam because I am not arrogant enough to assume that I can interpret their collective beliefs. Since I did not purport, explain, relate, or suggest any personal beliefs to you I am impressed in your ability to conceptualize them telepathically. By the way, I don't think you are a moron because our views may not coincide on some issues. I could not care any less about your spelling either.
  13. ......as opposed to a "live and kill anyone who doesn't agree with my perspective" point of view that you appear to possess? Their "backward culture, their close-minded religion" is a product of their choices and society, not yours. America has it's own form(s) of these that you can lend your support to right here at home. With your present and past commentary as evidence, I think I would be careful about inferring "close-minded" as a negative connotation.
  14. So does this mean that the US has truly become the first "global" dictatorship?
  15. Yeah, that about sums it up. E'nuf said.
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