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Everything posted by vorpma

  1. No argument, not at the expense of mediocrity and 17 years without a playoff experience. My bar is high; I want a dynasty!
  2. I'm willing to tank and rebuild; as long as I see progress and good decisions. In 1986 you knew good decisions were being made and reason for hope!
  3. ya ya ya ya same old you know what! Another low bar type! great post, could not agree more.
  4. Totally understandable, I'm with you too! Better the bar be high than low!
  5. I'm with you on this, been getting my heart broke since the 1960's; but insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and not working. I'm all for the house cleaning; watch the Jimmy Johnson Jerry Jones story on the rebuild of the Cowboys, man the faced skepticism and very emotional opposition from the fan base. I see it on this board constantly, change is very hard on many! Great post; I knew when Polian traded for Bennett that the regime was serious about winning. The whole organizational attitude seemed to change!
  6. Donnie Green
  7. A class post, thanks, much needed by the board!
  8. Awesome post - my contention is the Bills have not been or are not now anywhere close to being a viable playoff contender!
  9. I know people ASW EJ; he did not succeed at QB in the NFL but he is in fact a class act and wonderful human being! My best to him in the future and BTW, good post!
  10. What was unique about the Buffalo Bills Offensive opening day starting lineup in 1968 and 1969? It has to be some kind of record! Stan Barren too!
  11. Back in the era of OJ and rushing titles, one of the Dolphins Defensive starters stated that it was great OJ was gaining rushing titles and publicity as a great runner, but In January, the Bills would be watching the playoffs on television!
  12. Really, so what, who cares that we drafted "stars." This team has NOT/NOT fielded a playoff worthy team since 1999; a total failed organization. It remains a failed organization until it does; for those of you who set the bar low my sympathies.
  13. Great post, I should be getting my facts and information from those who post here, that's the real deal! Expert opinion for zero cost!
  14. Then don't read it, my God, who cares! Do you have a life? Go enjoy it!
  15. OK, stop. I don't know DW personally and would not know it if I tripped over him. He failed, that's the bottom line; the Buffalo Bills as an organization failed. Try to take a mature approach, just once look at the facts and the bottom line!
  16. Again BFD, if you like mediocrity and .500 ball then he is your guy. I guess I have higher expectations!
  17. Then why the hell is he out of work? Do you not get that he led a failed organization along with terrible drafts. BFD regarding team statistics, the only important one is the won - loss record; and BTW, does the year 1999 ring a bell. Good God, is the bar set that low?
  18. This board never ceases to amaze me with some really ridiculous posts; 1999 - 2017 the Buffalo Bills are a "failed" organization. The media did not hire poor coaching, piss away high draft choices, and mismanage the salary cap. Well put! Thank you for some brief sanity!
  19. Truly sad to see some of these posts!
  20. The post you responded to is the most ridiculous post that I have ever seen on this board, great response!
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