The Bills embarked on a youth movement in 1968, the AFL was moving towards youth and speed in the late 1960's - the Chiefs and Raiders. The Bills were the standard NFL team in the mid 1960's, great defense and a strong running game - couple yards and a cloud of dust but no great speed and getting older. KC Chiefs destroyed them in the 1966 AFL Championship Game with the speed of Otis Taylor, Mike Garrett, and Chris Burford followed by 1967 when the team just got older and slower. In 1968 many veterans left the team and two rookies - Mini Max Anderson and a very fast and big Fullback named Ben Gregory opened alot of eyes. Unfortunately bad coaching led to the 1st Round Pick in 1969 and OJ Simpson which led to the eventual departure of Max Anderson and a tragic knee injury ended Ben Gregorys career; would have loved to seen him and OJ in the same backfield.
I too watched Jack Spikes get hurt, in 1967 it was a pretty scary thing!