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Everything posted by vorpma

  1. OJ hit 1000 yards in game 7 and Howard and Dandy Don out among the fans firing them up, great night! Have to agree!
  2. An organizational overhaul from top to bottom needed to create a new culture; good post.
  3. Byrd not being on the Wall is wrong, but Billy Shaw is a must! Played on really bad teams and career cut short by knee injury!
  4. I love Smerlas but Ron McDole definitely needs to be there! I would say Stratton and I'm a 60's guy; Byrd, Smerlas, and Shaw though Stratton deserves mention!
  5. Season ticket holder from 1960 - 1988; just got tired of battling traffic on Sundays. In the 1960's growing in the Buffalo area you were a Bills fan, just as natural as Genesee Beer and chicken wings!
  6. Don't forget Coca - Cola Bottle Caps with Bills pictures! A family member worked at Creekside Bowling Alley and would bring me 30 - 40 bottle caps each week! Or the Super Duper pictures! Was at that game, painful!
  7. It kept me watching, they did score, however if they did not put points on the board probably would have turned it off!
  8. Steve Christie recovery the short kick against Houston in 1992 after we scored making it 34 - 10; I knew we had a chance!
  9. At that game too; many do not realize the impact of Joe Willie guaranteeing the win and then following through! Standing ovation for a couple of minutes for the hated Jets! Great stuff!
  10. Agree with Saban and Knox!
  11. Many years ago while in Hawaii, Chris Berman and Bob Seeger engaged in a free spirited afternoon of Mai Tai's at a pier bar near Waikiki; both very friendly and approachable with great sense of humor. They did "go all the way" and had a great day!
  12. Cowart would have been a HOFer; good post! Have to agree about Steve Tasker too!
  13. Edgerson was the best one on one cover guy in the AFL; that coming from the players! Agree with Warlick too! Good post! 1964, if you have to ask, you don't know; great LB! Another good post, is TBD returning to quality? This team and the city has a great history; thanks for adding to this topic! Another great post! I have to agree with many of your points! I could be swayed, another great post! Great topic with great responses - the board is coming back!
  14. Regardless of all opinions stated, come December 2018 the NFL's bottom line is going to decide this! And if it alienates a large segment of its fan base it will lose fans and ratings again; that is a fact.
  15. And you answered! Wow, you have demonstrated a deep intellect!
  16. We can hook up and I can give you a personal tour and bring you back to reality!
  17. Have someone reread both posts to you!
  18. What planet are you living on; visit Fort Bragg, Fort Campbell, or a FOB in Iraq or Afghanistan then tell me a majority are in support!
  19. Opinions are like anal openings, everyone has one and they all stink! This is going to get decided by the bottom line; it's not really bright to alienate a large segment of your customer base. Let's talk again in December!
  20. Your wrong, dead wrong, I too am a veteran and have lost close friends and brothers over the years and know first hand the crappy condition of most VA hospitals and would never consider making it an issue by kneeling at a ballgame. Why is it so hard to comprehend they are working and must follow rules and conditions of employment? If I want politics I will not go to a sporting event to get it, stay home and scroll TBD an can find all kinds of nonsense!
  21. January 1, 1967, the Chiefs v the Bills at the Rock Pile and killed Buffalo 31 - 7 advancing to the first Football World Championship now know as the Super Bowl. I was in the 5th grade, the Bills always won and my father took me to the game. Despite coming from an avid AFL family and neighborhood I wanted the Packers to kill the Chiefs just for revenge!
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