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Everything posted by vorpma

  1. One of my all time favorite teams; never forget beating the Rams and the curtain call!
  2. Especially the Bobby Layne stories!
  3. A definite common sense approach, good post!
  4. But I am a societal problem! But I remained stunned!
  5. Man, you need to get out more; I guess I am somewhat stunned that someones life is so emotionally tied to a sportswriter who expresses OPINIONS!
  6. Maybe a tad bit over sensitive with very Fragile feelings? Why do you believe you should expect more, it's a fricking game?
  7. I have always been a "societal problem," not sure what to do about that!
  8. I have always been a "societal problem," not sure what to do about that!
  9. Man, if you were personally insulted by anything Sully wrote you have bigger issues than some sports reporter! And stop with the my way or highway, it's very simple - don't read it - if no one reads it goodbye - if enough read it it's hello! Why so hard to understand!
  10. Your wrong, dead wrong! Opinion media is suppose to be challenging, thought provoking, new opinions - if you are afraid of then don't buy a newspaper, turn off the TV and stay in the house!
  11. But those of us that accept "other" opinions and enjoy debate may, as now we get "let's keep the masses happy" garbage!
  12. Then don't read him, your choice, but very apparent you did read him and that means many others probably did which kept him relevant. This is football, entertainment, get a life! Poor you!
  13. In the world of adults, especially the media and that includes Sports Pages in Newspaper, opinions are expressed that you may not agree with or even like. But adults, kind of laugh and say "oh that rascal" and move on. Join us and try not to feel threatened or angry because someone has an "OPINION" that you might not share and say "OK, we disagree!"
  14. BS! BS again! Where are you getting this from?
  15. The greatest post ever on TBD! I love it!
  16. Not a clue, but like stated, it is entertaining - I rest my case!
  17. It's a market economy, if you get read you stay on, if you don't you move on, I guess I have more important things to occupy my time. On the other hand, I did find it highly entertaining to watch the emotion on this board regarding some of his articles, that will get missed!
  18. Never had a problem with Sullivan, just a sportswriter, if I don't like what he is writing I don't read. Much of his criticism of the Bills warranted, at times misplaced and maybe over hyped, but that's what the media gets paid for. Much of what gets posted on this board is no worse or no better, just opinions and everybody has one.
  19. Never had an issue with any of them, including Sullivan.
  20. I listened to this game on the radio and it was electric!
  21. Can't argue, it was exciting!
  22. Wyche was in the end zone going at it, only time I think that has ever happened in the NFL, hilarious!
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