The quality continues to drop, man it is in free fall; I agree with your post and trust Eric Wood. Kyle Williams I'm sure would speak out, and I refuse this team went from the game in Miami when Kyle scored a TD and then videotaped in the locker room showing lots of cohesiveness; now after one year a revolt?
That is absolutely correct; if they are not showing progressive improvement towards the end of 2018 through 2019, if the 2019 draft does not produce I will join with you, fair enough!
Please, come on, maybe, just maybe he is right; but that does not feed to the drama narrative or the "hate Bean and McDermott" theme that fits the passion of moment!
Your statement is hilarious and not really thought out, I kind of understand the emotion, however, most of us have been challenging this organization since 2001! So try get your posts based in reality, take a couple of deep breaths, and get a grip!
Seriously, I really question if many who are now posting are serious football fans, non - Bills fans, or just bored millennials who are mad because they decided to follow the Bills this year and no SB on the horizon - I want it and I want it now! I really miss the great discussion and debate with solid fans!
No, because most are nothing more than childish reactions lacking substance; this board at one time had great football debate, now its like two children fighting to be right!
Try to grasp that this organization was run into the ground for over 16 years; unfortunately the NFL is the real world and not a SITCOM or reality TV where huge problems are fixed in less than one hour! And I throw a big red BS Flag that simply because many of us, who have been following this team since 1960 and been through good times, hard times and more importantly understand the organizational concept of rebuilding - accept losing. It's called adult reality world! Go ahead and talk smack now, but when this thing turns around go sit in a corner!
Maybe we are realists; if you think this team was on the verge of SB contention before the current coaching management, then you sir, are smoking! Do you really follow the NFL or is this passing fancy!
It seems like at least 75% of this board suffers from mental disorders! Good post!
The board quality equals the demise of the organization over the last 16 years; at best .500 due to marginal posters!
How can you question the professional NFL talent posting on TBD?
Blah, blah, blah from either a new or part time fan; try to learn the game before you spew hot air! Do you not understand they inherited a 16 year failure so now you throw a temper tantrum because you want a SB! Try soccer!