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Everything posted by vorpma

  1. Love Boomer, he has never been shy regarding criticism of the Bills nor has Cowher; Phil Simms is full of himself and I watched him and Boomer go at each other pretty good yesterday. Phil Simms needs to move on in life!
  2. 2019 will make or break the current regime, especially the next six months; I too am optimistic! What some fail to understand is this is not just a team rebuild but an organizational rebuild from 17 years of accepted mediocrity!
  3. I agree fire everybody now then fire everybody next year; it's temper tantrum time!
  4. Fire everybody now and if no SB in 2019 fire everybody again!
  5. Can't see the alumni buying off on Rex!
  6. I guess his stock is dropping.
  7. The post of the year!!!!!! Hilarious - thanks!!
  8. Remember the AFL!!!
  9. Going to be a long off season for you!
  10. Blah Blah Blah fire everybody I want it and I want it now!
  11. Where in the NFL Einstein?
  12. 1970 Steelers/Dolphins, 1982 Bears,1985 Bills, 1989 Cowboys, 1999 Patriots, ..... and the usual blow heart fans spouted hot air the same way - "I want it and I want it now!"
  13. WHERE WHERE WHERE is the NFL saying this; it's not true! WTF go research some NFL history before you blab!
  14. Not quite, most posts stated 6 - 10 or 5 - 11; we have a small minority of win the SB now or you get a temper tantrum!
  15. Correct, they are transitioning from a perennial almost .500 team that used smoke and mirrors for 16 years to keep fan interest into a committed and professional organization: it won't happen overnight! Now unload McCoy, Clay, Hughes, Alexander, and sorrrrry Kyle Williams! Business decisions outweigh emotional fan loyalty!
  16. BFD REBUILD REBUILD REBUILD The only thing in life that is certain are taxes and death; come on!
  17. Try to open a book and research the the Steeler's and Dolphins of the 70's, Bills and Cowboys of the 80's, Patriots of the 90's .... you won't get it! Guys like pop gun MFed Jimmy Johnson when rebuilding the Steeler's, Dolphins, Bills, Cowboys; do you think the good fairy just drops a SB contender on a city? Let me clarify the last post because I am sure it confused you - Jimmy Johnson rebuild a failing distraught franchise the Cowboys; try and do a little research dude!
  18. And your belief is "cold hard facts?" Nobody rebuilds in the NFL - OK, you have no credibility with me and I no longer will respond as you don't have a clue!
  19. REBUILD why so hard to understand!!!!! Come on dude!
  20. Why do you not want success! Nope, your wrong, most predicted 5 - 11 or 6 - 10; no one expected playoffs! We have many drama queens that love being angry and b******* everyday on this board; even if we produce a winner the same bunch will find something to complain about! Pick a category - coaching, defense, offense, .......
  21. Millennials love drama, it would make there year!
  22. Riverside comes through again with common sense!
  23. Wrong, the majority of posters predicted 2018 to be exactly what you seen! Find someone else to get mad at!
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