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  1. We lost, the seasons over and the "sky is falling!"
  2. We lost a fricking game and are 5 - 2, let's not turn into drama queens and go into meltdown! Naturally we have to hang someone to vent our emotions! It's like a 1960's Soap Opera and a 1950's western combined!
  3. OK, we lost a game and 5 - 2, let's not fall into TBD panic and drama looking for scapegoats, it happens and we are only half way through the season - why does the "coaching staff" needs answers? How about we just got beat! Not allowed on TBD, win them all or face attack!
  4. Great point I will tell you what is not fake news, when the gun goes off to end the game and you have more points than the other team. How you got them don't mean squat and the end of December you either have enough wins to make the playoff, how you won them don't mean squat! Everything else is just hot air and gibberish - not necessarily fake news. FYI don't quit reading after the opening "Great point!
  5. The fire McBeane crowd will show again, wait for a loss, they will be acreaming that we should have signed Antonio Brown or Beckham, won the Super Bowl this year then drop into mediocrity like we did for 15 years; it's coming! Man they want it now! Why not - gives you freedom to make the "RIGHT" move!
  6. Absolutely, they dumped the whole organization and started over knowing they were going to get beat (Dolphins 2019) and knew they had to draft great and they did! Modern day NFL fans (millennials) want winning right away and just cannot grasp the pain of building a winning organization - Jimmy Johnson and Jerry Jones 1989 - 1992!
  7. You are wrong!!!! Cowboy fans blew snot bubbles throughout the next two years; BTW listen to Jimmy Johnson talk about those years then go home!
  8. 1989 Dallas Cowboys and Jimmy Johnson! Same thing - Jimmy Johnson and Jerry Jones "tanked" in 1989 then drafted a dynasty!
  9. We love drama on TBD!
  10. This guy could trip over me and the only thing I would notice is the suit; why he is getting so much attention is beyond me; TBD!!!
  11. Nothing gets by some of these guys, all over it!
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