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Zamboni Man

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Everything posted by Zamboni Man

  1. I think Jacksonville is still alive...
  2. For Whom The Bell Tolls!
  3. A quick google search and I found a picture of the girl wearing the dress... Scroll To Bottom...
  4. Yeah because there is so much fighting in the NHL now compared to the 70's and 80's when there were constantly bench clearing brawls and fights before games even started...
  5. Does Yanni ever play the cowbell?
  6. Next time just post a link to that peter pan fairy guy...
  7. Easily the most anticipated game/NFL Sunday since our last trip to the playoffs!
  8. I just wish the Bills could've picked up Reggie White to play w/ Bruce back in '93. Could you imagine that defensive line.
  9. If I recall, Bruce left b/c the Bills cut him, not b/c he wanted more money.
  10. I'm glad they're making the player personel decisions.
  11. Here's a link to the Cowbell Skit from SNL. More Cowbell
  12. I love A Christmas Story, but I think National Lampoon Christmas Vacation is a better overall movie.
  13. Andre by far....for a long time he was the best run after catch receiver in the NFL.
  14. It's not going to take them very long to get back to being the same old sorry @$$ Rams I guess.
  15. Mike Martz, Rich Cotite, Greg Williams, Kevin Gilbride...all coaches I would like to see become the Head Coach in Miami.
  16. Blue - A Perfect Circle
  17. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Gary Bettman and the NHLPA, you bunch of pompous, arrogant, greedy pricks.
  18. I have cowbell now too...
  19. Somebody wants a better draft spot for Dallas.
  20. That was Filter that put out Hey Man Nice Shot.
  21. I'll be pretty bummed if we lose this afternoon.
  22. I can't log on, keeps giving me an invalid password message, and I know I didn't change it.... Really sucks b/c this is where all my final grades are coming to from this semester.
  23. That means it's really either a broken wrist or a concussion...
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