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Zamboni Man

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Posts posted by Zamboni Man

  1. When I saw it on the bottomline on ESPN, I thought for a second that Bidwell might've sold the Cardinals since the guy buying the team was from Arizona. Too bad I was wrong about that, he's by far the worst owner in professional football and maybe in all of professional sports. Though it is tough to be ol' Dollar Bill with the Chicago Blackhawks.

  2. Well in a way, yes. It's called "Me, Inc."


    Exactly...I work a full time 2nd shift job, and I'm a full time student during the day. We don't have a union, but my medical insurance is free, I get 2 weeks of paid vacation, 401k, and an optional dental plan that comes at an enourmous 11 bucks a month. I could probably be the like the 30 somethings I work with that don't really care about where they'll end up and try and live off 10.50/11 bucks an hour, but there's no way I'm going to settle for that. My Grandad was in the UAW at the Ford Stamping Plant for years, and was in charge of retirement when he retired, and I grew up in the typical pro union household in Buffalo, but I honestly don't think there is anything that a union could do for me that I can't do for myself with hard work and a good education. Even more so now that I live in the south.


    That being said, I don't think it's fair to pin unions as the reason that jobs are being shipped over seas, the textile industries down here didn't have nearly as much union power as the North still has and those jobs are long gone to Mexico and what not.

  3. It'll be a helluva game. It's just like the Bills/Dolphins, throw out all the records and everything else because it's going to be a dog fight. I personally like Wake Forest, so I couldn't care less who comes out on top, but I get plenty of entertainment at school and work with all the Carolina and Duke fans talking trash.

  4. You're probably right, but why should this be so? It's not like that cat was injured or anything.



    Probably the same reason they pissed and moaned about the energizer commercial where the Mom is going through the house to get the kids to settle down and then opens up a dryer at the end and a cat jumps out. They raised hell over that and energizer edited the commercial so that the Mom in the commercial took out a basket full of eggs instead. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: PETA, that was a funny commercial before you got it changed.

  5. I went to 2 games while I lived in Buffalo, one in the late 80's against the Bears with my Dad and one with my cousin Chris against the Falcons in the early 90's, I haven't been since. My Aunt works for Sportservice and got me a tour of the fieldhouse/field/stadium last time I was at home though, which was one of the coolest things I've ever done.

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