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Zamboni Man

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Everything posted by Zamboni Man

  1. that's some funny stuff
  2. They really ripped off the Jets with all those UFA's they got from them.
  3. Back in '82 I could throw a football a quarter mile.
  4. I didn't like the Forgotten very much....it never really filled you in on what was happening.
  5. I love the 3 Stooges, me, my brother and my Dad used to watch them all the time when they'd show them on AMC. I don't think there's very many girls who think they're funny.
  6. C'mon now...it's RC Cola and a Moon Pie.
  7. There are two teams taking the ice during every game, so why should only one team get money from it? I'm not saying there should be a 50/50 split of ticket revenue, but there should be some money going both ways.
  8. No....it's a camera that shows what's behind you. You only use it when you're backing up. They put them on a lot of cars, Lexus was the first that I can remember doing it commercially.
  9. I wonder how they'll enforce the 2 drinks per customer rule.
  10. I wonder why more services (police, ambulance, truck drivers, etc.) don't use a camera like that. It might be expensive to install, but it sure would save a lot of money in the long run from things getting backed into and people getting hurt.
  11. Yeah same place.
  12. Same thing in Texas...they're cutting the high school football budgets across the board down there, all in the name of soccer!
  13. Be sure to check out your first place Charlotte Checkers. I was an avid Greensboro Generals fan before they folded last season and saw some great battles on the ice between the two. Their arena is great for minor league hockey, not top notch or modern, but a good hockey atmosphere. It'll be a shame if they move into the Bobcats new arena and leave the Cricket Arena. I wish the Bills would come to Charlotte just for the sake of seeing more Bills fans than Panthers fans at their stadium.
  14. Just ask Eric Lindross about not needing game awareness....that is if he's awake from the last time he skated into Scott Stevens shoulder with his head down.
  15. I hate the Dolphins, but if they axe Mare, I say we should make a play to get him.
  16. Yeah soccer is SO HUGE in Greensboro and NC in general, people have actually disowned college basketball, NASCAR, and professional wrestling and have become MLS fans. It's not even about Duke/Carolina anymore, it's all about...well I don't know the names of any of the MLS teams, but pick 2 of them and you'll get it. Soccer will never pass college basketball, college football, high school football, NASCAR, wrestling, bass fishing, or hunting in the South. The only reason soccer is so popular as a youth sport is because it's cheap to play it and you really don't have to have any skills. Been to a youth soccer game? It's really just a group of 20 kids running around in a crowd chasing the ball. I'm sure I could dig up some articles that say the same thing about how youth hockey is taking over.
  17. He'll be crying himself to sleep tonight on his big pillow.
  18. Put me down for that too.
  19. It's going to be one helluva a battle between the soccer fans who say their sport will be king by 2020 and the scientists who say Americans will be too damn fat to do anything by 2020.
  20. My brother plays high school soccer. I think soccer is pretty boring, and what I always ask him is why don't soccer teams kick the ball deep into the other teams end, just leave one or two guys on the midfield line and attack the ball? If a player can't go behind the last guy back without being called for offsides, then what's the risk? There's not much of a chance that a guy can outrun everybody and maintain control of the ball for an entire half of a soccer field. Anyways soccer is boring, whether or not I "understand" it. All I need to know is there's hardly any scoring, hardly any scoring chances, and a lot of diving & overacting to get penalties. That's more than enough for me. Looking at stevestojan's links in this post > looking at soccer
  21. Saw was pretty good, I went and checked it out when it was in the theatres. I thought it was pretty funny seeing Cary Elwes playing a role other than Robin Hood though.
  22. I don't understand why ever pro sports league doesn't follow a similar model to the NFL's CBA. Sure the NHL doesn't have a huge tv deal like the NFL or the huge fan base, there should still be a hard salary cap, full revenue sharing and the elimination of guarenteed contracts. I don't see why the NHLPA is putting up such a hard fight. When you look at the NFL, the owners are happy, the players are happy, they both make a ton of money, and most importantly the fans are happy.
  23. If the cap is that low, then ticket prices better come down with it.
  24. I'm sure you're not the only one who will get a reply along the lines of "do you kiss your mother with that mouth?"
  25. Bettman said that the deal is off the table, and they don't know what revenues will be there now. Also said that they're going to have to work with fans as far as ticket prices are concerned. Thank you Dr. Obvious, ticket prices for the NHL are more expensive than the NFL, gee I wonder why there's mass apathy towards the NHL and now the NHL lockout.
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